Libra Equinox, Mercury Retrograde and Trouble in Asheville
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In tonight’s extended edition of Planet Waves FM, I begin with a segment on helping us adapt to Mercury retrograde in Libra; in particular, in a square to Pluto. I talk about the power of words but I don’t mention that silence is often exercised as a choice to consolidate power though secrecy. Sometimes I miss the obvious! And that is a fairly obvious interpretation of retrograde Mercury square retrograde Pluto.
I then interview astrologer Liz Gunn of Asheville, North Carolina about the scenario unfolding there. The owners of a the Waking Life Cafe were outed for blogging — anonymously, they thought — about their sexual exploits. The scenario has exploded into an international story.
I am suspicious of scandal in any form; it never helps anything, it sends only negative messages, and tends to feed judgement and negativity. This story also is distinctly modern in that it’s pushing typically closeted views up to the surface, and is something that could only happen in the current Internet-driven environment. In some ways it’s the perfect morality tale where real life meets digital life.
Mostly, I critique the issue from the viewpoint of abstinence-only sex brainwashing, and in the third segment play a few short segments from John Oliver’s program Last Week Tonight (the whole program is framed or linked from the image at the top of the page).
As for music, I look at the natal chart of one of my favorite musicians — Thom Yorke of Radiohead. His chart is on the program’s homepage. It’s a powerfully Libra horoscope, with many points on the Aries Point.
I don’t get into Sunday night’s eclipse — I may do a special edition — check our homepage, Facebook or your inbox for that in a few days.