Spring 2014 Special Report for All 12 signs and Rising Signs: Intimacy, Trust & the Cardinal Grand Cross

Here is an introduction to the Spring 2014 Special Report, which explores the grand cross, the grand trine and two eclipses that happen in April. This astrology is like a dimensional opening that will take you from one space of life to another. The theme of the charts, as I am reading them, is about intimacy and trust. The charts are brimming with information about how we relate to one another, the ways in which we see ourselves in one another, and in particular, our concept of being a partner.
The reading covers all 12 signs in audio format. The readings will be 20 to 30 minutes per sign. They will be playable on the site or fully downloadable into iTunes or other audio players.
Pricing information is now available. We offer incentives for early purchase!
The Spring Report is now published, and all 12 signs are available for $59.95.
In the recording above, I promise three resources — here is my article on the 2014 grand cross and grand trine, published in Planet Waves last week. This includes the monthly horoscope for April as well as a detailed reading of (and image of) the main chart that I will be using for these readings.
I also have two resources from or about the summer of 1999. The first is Flashpoints: The Continuation of Burning Man, a kind of 1999 journal of what actually happened during the grand cross/total solar eclipse alignment that summer. The next is called Thinking of You on Judgment Day, written one year in advance of the event.