So Much More Than I Thought This World Could Ever Contain
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Link to pre-order Good as Gold, the 2014 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis
Link to pre-order the 2014 Leo Birthday Reading by Eric Francis
In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the Sun’s ingress into Leo, joining Jupiter in Leo. Along with this, Mars finally exits Libra after eight months in that sign and enters Scorpio Wednesday.

Each of these movements is a potent statement about vitality — the expression of the life force energy. The combination of Leo and Scorpio that we are about to experience is unstoppable, though you will experience it with much greater clarity the more introspective you are; that is the nature of a square aspect. During the program I mention a book called Sex and the Origins of Death. Here is a link to my article that talks about that book.
As this happens, Mercury and Venus pass through the Uranus-Pluto square today and into the weekend, which helps bring that aspect into consciousness in a tangible way accessible to the senses.
After a music break by the group Faithless, I offer a commentary on the situations in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. My questions surround the theme of what is the ‘correct’ response to this kind of incident? Now that we’ve tuned our electronic systems to bring this information to us, what exactly do we do with the information when it comes to us?