New edition is ready! Sun opposite Mars in the charts and the artwork of George Carlin, Anne Rice and David Lynch

The Sun is opposite Mars today.
The Sun is opposite Mars today.

If you are using an iOS device, this link will take you direct to the file.

Here is the free audio preview for the Spring Report. Even better, here are three actual samples from readings that are part of the finished report.

In today’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the Sun opposite Mars as it manifests in the astrology charts and the artwork of David Lynch, Anne Rice and George Carlin. I look at several different expressions of this aspect, all of them bold — in standup comedy, erotic writing and music.

NOTE TO LISTENERS — I plan to expand the Q & A section of the program, and for that, I need your questions. It will help if your questions are short and clear. Please include your full birth data, which will be kept confidential unless you say otherwise. Please send to ERIC@FRANCIS.PW.

Natal chart of David Lynch, with the data accessed from Astrodatabank. The chart has an AA rating.
Natal chart of David Lynch, with the data accessed from Astrodatabank. The chart has an AA rating.

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