Sagittarius New Moon, Michael Bryant Interview, My Testimony Before Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics

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Here are some Michael Bryant articles: three from Off-Guardian — A Universe of Questions in a time of Universal Deceit; Kickbacks, Corruption and Scandal at CDC; Inside the New Bio-Defense Strategy.
My testimony before Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics related to PCR “test” fraud and my work on the chronology, presented on Nov. 15, 2022. | VIEW AS VIDEO
My presentation for Tucson Astrological Guild on Nov. 12, 2022, covering Pluto in Aquarius and full digital conditions. Fideo is below if you prefer. TAG has a running lineup of excellent speakers, and membership grants access to the full past archive. Here is where you can find them. And a &ab_channel=Supertramp-Topic" target="_blank" rel="noopener">song request by Michael, from Supertramp.