Libra Eclipse: A Matter of Trust

In this edition, I look at the Libra solar eclipse, tell some of what I learned in Western New York, consider the CIA's potential involvement in A Course in Miracles, and visit with James Joyce.

The program will resume Sept. 6

Thank you for tuning in. The program will resume Friday, Sept. 6 with a new format. You may read a letter to my paying supporters and subscribers by clicking through. It's been fantastic having my first break of more than a couple of weeks from the show since we took up this format in 2011. I'll see you in September.

Family Business: The Pholus Factor

After a rollicking two weeks of ridiculous "news," I propose that it's time to step back a little and take in the wider scene. What is driving the current insanity of the world? The Pholus factor.

Planet Waves FM will resume on June 14 or 21

I'll be taking off June 7. Planet Waves FM will resume June 14 or 21. You may listen to my astrology podcast — STARCAST.FM — on its website. Direct link is inside. Also visit our Substack at

Students save the otherwise useless university

The whole concept of a university has been rendered irrelevant by digital conditions and outrageous student debt. Students themselves are the only ones offering a solution, or using the university for any productive purpose. Tonight we hear from students on two State University of New York campuses.

The Great Curve

On the eve of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction — the astrology, I respond to Charles Eisenstein and Robert F. Kennedy, the Donald Trump trial astrology, and the mystery of missing sex in marriage.

Two programs from the Radio Woodstock days

This week I have for you two artifacts of my early radio career, on topics that are still relevant today. They are from the original program that became Planet Waves FM, called Radio Navigator on Radio Woodstock.

Autobiographical Note

Tonight's program is original music and poetry on the occasion of my 60th birthday. The full show, plus program notes, discussion and resources, are linked from inside this post Thanks for tuning in.

‘Essential work under these digital conditions’

Note from a new subscriber — "Your essential work under these digital conditions keeps my soul alive, my heart beating, and the flame for my hope in humanity burning. Your Covid Chronology is an historic work that focussed my perception towards reality and dusted off the digital fog I was swimming in. Your regular Planet Waves program is necessary fuel for my existence. Thank you Eric. Yours from Aotearoa New Zealand.” Scott Andrew

Reiner Füllmich, Bobby Jr.: Driving the Virus Narrative at All Costs. But why?

This week I pull together the threads on the "virus at all costs" campaign that is now underway. Why are the big players so intent on maintaining the virus narrative? And what has this got to do with why Reiner Füllmich is is accused of embezzlement from the Corona Committee? Why is Robert F. Kennedy advertising the claim of a Wuhan lab leak?
Rob Fraboni. Illustration by Keith Richards.

Vertically Side-by-Side: Record producer Rob Fraboni talks about the Beatles; recordings with and without his ReelFeel technology

This is a side-by-side (vertical) test of ReelFeel technology of Rob Fraboni discussing whether it was possible for the Beatles to record Rubber Soul in just four days. One of these recordings has been processed to enhance its emotional quality; the other has been not. Both are medium-bandwidth .mp3 files, so they have been processed by the exact same compression algorithm.

Planet Waves FM resumes next week.

Planet Waves FM will resume next week. Thanks for understanding. Planet Waves FM will resume next week. You are invited to read my tribute to Jonah Kelly Francis and Henrietta Saint Francis.

Taurus Lunar Eclipse Special Edition

Tonight I cover the eclipse and its implications, and whether on the quest for understanding, one searches for the truth, or searches for lies. I explore the the nature and meaning of astrology. And I summarize my ideas about self-centered sexuality.

Another year, another war. Dr. Stefano Scoglio on the nonexistence of graphene. But is it journalism? Ladies & gentlemen, intro to “rapo.”

Planet Waves FM returns tonight. In the first segment, I look at the chart for the attack on Israel, allegedly carried out from Gaza by the militant group Hamas. Toxicologist Stefano Scoglio discusses his new paper disputing the existence of graphene. Jesse Zurawell and I consider what journalism is and is not. And for men, I introduce the topic of "rapo."

Getting Woke to Woke: The Shifting Ground of Being. Attempted Covid Revival.

On Friday's program, I dive into the issue of "woke" and all of its derivatives. This latest wave began in the 1980s and 1990s as "political correctness," but under digital conditions it has picked up hyperbolic momentum. I will discus the writing and ideas of John McWhorter and apply my analysis to race, gender and sexual orientation.

Vision Quest, 2013-2020

This post contains a feed that is 90% music by Vision Quest, the in-house Planet Waves ensemble. Most of it dates from 2013 to 2020. Included are finished works, live events, writing sessions, jam sessions and other audio.

Planet Waves FM is off this week. STARCAST is updated.

Greetings cousins and friends -- the program is on a one-week break -- this year is my first foray into a summer schedule. I plan to return next week, though I will be in transit on Friday so I may not be able to get to it -- though if possible I sure will. STARCAST is updated. Thanks and see you soon. — efc

How these things happen.

Tonight's program looks at the current astrology, and how it relates to our spiritual state under full digital conditions. I comment on the presidential candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy and have a new Tantra Studio continuing the discussion of sex and power.

And Now it’s Time for Pluto in Aquarius

Tonight's season finale is an astrology-centered program mainly focused on Pluto entering Aquarius next week. I'll have a little science fraud (focused on Del Bigtree's false claim of a lab-released virus) and an update from East Palestine as well.

Who decides what is an ‘acceptable risk’? And acceptable to whom?

The U.S. EPA has said that it's ordered Norfolk Southern to test for dioxin in East Palestine to determine whether "contaminants from the derailment pose any unacceptable risk to human health." That implies that there is an acceptable risk. Who decides what is acceptable? And What, exactly, is "risk"? Find out tonight on Planet Waves FM.

Special Feature: Interview with Peter von Stackelberg

Planet Waves FM is proud to offer this interview with investigative reporter Peter von Stackelberg, who broke open the story of Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. This led to the revelation of the total regulatory failure in the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration.

STARCAST from Planet Waves

STARCAST from Planet Waves has re-manifested in this dimension. All new editions are cross-posted here as well as being available from Substack and on the STARCAST home page.

J. R. R. Tolkien’s History of the World

This edition explores the earliest work of J.R.R. Tolkien, called The Silmarillion. Some years ago, the difficult-to-read book of ancient myths and legends was released as a set of CDs read by Martin Shaw, making the work much more accessible and even gripping. I share some samples and discuss what these stories are about.

Cap New Moon. WHO, Gates, Johns Hopkins announce plans for next ‘pandemic’. Michael Bryant on ‘the movement’. More on Sane Progressive.

On tonight's program, I read the Planet Waves chart, as well as the chart for the Capricorn New Moon; I have an interview with Off-Guardian writer Michael Bryant; I comment on the "Catastrophic Contagion" exercise planning for a virus that infects a billion people; and I read the 911 call for Debbie Rose Lusignan, the Sane Progressive.
Rob Fraboni. Illustration by Keith Richards.

Reprise: Record producer Rob Fraboni

Today I have an interview with record producer Rob Fraboni, reprised from 2012. This is one of the earliest interviews in our archives, certainly the oldest available. You will hear a diversity of tales from the road and learn the true origins of the song The Weight. (The interview came into being when I called Rob up one day and said, "Is it Fannie, or Annie?" You will get your answer.

Down the PCR Spiral Yet Again

Tonight's program goes deep into the PCR testing scam and biotechnology generally. I am joined by Dr. Kevin Corbett, a renowned expert on diagnostic testing. We dissect the testimony of the owner of a PCR testing lab, a kind of biotech evangelist who has previously been critical of the use of the PCR for detecting viruses.

Interview with Dr. Stephen Bustin, master of the PCR.

This is an extraordinary interview with Stephen Bustin, Ph.D., who is recognized as one of the world's authorities on the PCR method of analysis. He wrote the official rules -- called the MIQE guidelines -- along with an 800-page book covering this one specific approach to anaysis.

Grateful Thanksgiving :: Our Holiday Music Special

I'm posting the Grateful Thanksgiving holiday music special a little early. The program is available in three bandwidths and as a low-bandwidth downloadable archive. If someone cannot listen due to bandwidth issues, I will split the low-res file into two halves. Enjoy!

Planet Waves FM returns Friday, Oct. 28 with our Halloween edition.

I'll be taking another week off to catch my breath and reflect on life without a microphone in front of me. I am planning to be back Oct. 28 with a funtastic and spooky Halloween edition of the program. Catch you then. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of excellent programs in our archives, all free.

The Queen’s Astrology

Tonight's astrology-only program begins with Mercury retrograde and the Full Moon; then I take a careful look at the birth chart of the Queen, the chart for her becoming Queen, and her progressions at key points in her life.

Monkeypox Astrology & Science

My guest is Mike Stone, author of the website that exposes the scientific fraud committed by virologists and public health officials who accept their unfounded claims. We discuss the PCR test for monkeypox as well as the history of testing fraud — and ask the question of the hour: do viruses exist?

Let’s not and say we did

World Health Organization's Emergency Committee votes twice not to declare a global monkeypox pandemic — but its dictator does so anyway.

We, Robot :: Life Under Full Digital Conditions

Eric Francis recently appeared on the South African radio program Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell. We have captured the audio from the live broadcast here. Eric Will be on Mr. Nell's podcast soon as well. Thanks to Dr. Sam Bailey for the reference.

Now on PWFM :: United States Blues

Tonight’s show will take a fresh look at the U.S. Sibly chart, investigate the implications of the downfall of Roe v. Wade and will feature an hourlong conversation with Dr. Sam Bailey about medicine under full digital conditions. To fans of the Scorpionic America chart — I will be back in November with a close look at that horoscope.

Don’t Look Back

To most people reading the news, the fact of the governor shutting down Broadway and the rest of New York’s world-famous entertainment and professional sports industries was proof enough of a serious problem.

Cancer Solstice Update – videos

I've updated this page with a new video for the Sun's entry into Cancer — the Northern Solstice. Video includes a discussion of the chart and Mars retrograde.

Interview with Michael Lutin

My guest is the distinguished American astrologer Michael Lutin. He is one of the rare few American astrologers who has mastered the art of the horoscope column as a lifelong endeavor, but we will have more to talk about than that.

New Edition of Planet Waves FM :: Global Village News

We begin with a report from Ukraine, though It has been another week of over-the-top "covid" news, including Democratic political strategists setting "pandemic" policy, the revelation of CDC's admission of a "contrived virus," a campaign to normalize cardiac events, and a discussion of Pfizer's corporate personhood.

We Are All Ukrainian

Tonight, I open with the place where the devastation in Ukraine meets the People’s Convoy in the United States. The reason I believe we are so upset about what is happening in Ukraine is we could be next. Especially if fighting gets out of control at the Zaporizhzhia nuke.

Covid Chronology, 2007-present

If someone puts things into chronological order thereby revealing the connection of certain events with certain other events, does that make them a psycho conspiracy theorist? We have done so, and you get to decide.

Our Fragile World

Tonight's edition includes a check-in from on the ground in Ukraine (where our video editor lives), the People's Grand Jury testimony of Dr. Bryan Ardis on deadly remdesivir, an analysis of the World Economic Forum's "Young Global Leaders" program, and five whole minutes of Tantra Studio. Testimony of Dr. Ardis has been added as its own player.

The Great Debate: Is There a Virus?

There is a split in the covid truth movement, over whether there is actually a thing called SARS-CoV-2. You might think this is an absurd question; everyone knows cars have wheels. I will present both sides of the scientific debate.

Is there a covid test?

This segment of the Dec. 31, 2021 Planet Waves FM grapples with the issue of whether there is a test for "SARS-CoV-2" or "covid." We cover the PCR test, its documentation, its history and its design; and I also go over the rapid antigen tests.

Michael Lang, Eccentric Uncle of the Woodstock Generation

On the new Planet Waves FM, I pay homage to Michael Lang, one of the founders of the Woodstock Music and Arts Fair. I knew him from covering Woodstock '94 and bumping into him in Woodstock (the actual town) and Kingston. Lang died in New York City on Saturday, Jan. 8.

My Best Covid Writing

This page contains a convenient listing of my best writing about the alleged pandemic, virus and test. While during the second year most of my coverage has been on Planet Waves FM, most of the first year I documented in writing — though classic radio editions are at the last entry on the bottom.

‘Universal mRNA flu vaccine’ planned in October 2019 became Covid shot; Fauci admits influenza needed rebranding as deadlier, sexier and comparable to AIDS and cancer — to sell mRNA vaccines

Stunning C-Span video revealed this week shows a full-on plan to repackage “the flu” into something presenters called more frightening, deadlier and yes, sexier. This panel discussion, preserved on C-Span, describes the method by which a new pandemic will be sold to the public.

2012 and the Mayans Revisited: Ed Barnhart Interview

Ed Barnhart is the Jerry Garcia of archaeologists — a down-to-earth teacher who I found on Great Courses. After watching more than 50 of his lectures about the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas and other civilizations, I reached out to him and next thing you know, we were trading birth data.

Woodstock Times settles two libel cases

The Woodstock Times group has settled two multimillion dollar libel cases against former Woodstock gallery owner Tai Burnette. The cases related to a 2016 advertisement by Burnett's former housekeeper, and a subsequent article that destroyed Burnett's deal to buy the historic Bearsville Theater.

The Governor vs the Barber, Solstice and Mercury Direct

A corrupt newspaper in upstate New York falsely claimed that barber Joe LaLama gave covid to 12 cops. In fact he never had it. Later that day, then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo repeated the lie -- and soon after went after LaLima's barber's license. What really happened? Listen in this exclusive interview.

Kent State: Granddaddy of All School Shootings

I am reprising one of the best and most devastating Planet Waves FM programs ever — about the Kent State massacre in May 1970. My interviews are with Gerald Casale, bass player and co-founder of DEVO, who was an eyewitness; and Laurel Krause, sister of Alison Krause, one of the four students shot by the National Guard at an antiwar protest on a lawn at an ordinary state college in Ohio.

Catherine Austin Fitts interviewed by Dr. Joe Mercola

Catherine Austin Fitts is something of an oracle where health concerns meet financial concerns. A refugee of the George H. W. Bush administration, she is now the editor of The Solari Report. In this interview, she comments on where the "health passport" meets financial slavery.

Is Virology a Science?

Statistician Christine Massey returns to the program and we discuss whether virology is really a science. The question is not so far-fetched. Science must be repeatable. There must be control groups in any experiment. But this is never the case with virology. ALSO, edition one of The Branching of the Road, about A Course in Miracles.

A patient could die in their gurney waiting for an elevator at Kingston Hospital. Starve the employees by closing the cafeteria. Half of all nurses gone this year.

How bad is the nursing crisis? I had no idea it was this horrendous — before nurses start getting fired for refusing to take the “covid” jab, which is about to storm the nation. Kingston Hospital, larger of two hospitals in a county of 180,000 people, has lost about half of its nursing staff this year. Erik Glazier explains the problem.

The precautionary principle, informed consent and deep background on the Food and Drug Administration. Tantra Studio and the novels of Bob Dylan

Tonight’s program covers scientific ethics from several angles. I will look at the issue of the precautionary principle. What do you do when working with limited information? Who gets the benefit of the doubt? I will discuss the idea of informed consent. I have coverage of this week’s FDA approval of a Covid “vaccine” that we understand is not actually available in the United States. Was this even legal?

Open letter to PBS from The Rev. Katie Grace Pepe, a Planet Waves FM listener

Your actions do nothing to enable informed consent and instead ostracize and stigmatize those who raise legitimate concerns. You are colluding with other powerful entities to effectively silence valuable dissenting voices, to the detriment of your viewers. Isn’t it the responsibility of a free press to fully investigate and speak truth to power?

Current Tantra Studio: Trust • Truth • Trance • Tantra

Tonight's Tantra Studio is a study of relating and sexuality in the digital age. I redefine love as a blend of trust and respect. To be open and live in our times means being at peace with anything about you being known to anyone at any time. A tall order, though that is indeed the reality of the time in which we live.