Miracle Hour Episode 2: The Principles of Miracles


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In this edition, I cover the first section of the text, called “Principles of Miracles.” This is a list of 50 concepts associated with the topic, beginning with the first and most famous one, “There is no order of difficulty of miracles.”

Eric has now completed all 12 signs of The Sacred Space of Self, the 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries, and Mars retrograde in Aquarius over the summer. Order today or choose your individual signs. Check out our sample videos here.

Hey Leo — Mars retrograde in your opposite sign and a powerful eclipse season are just the start of another extraordinary year. Order your 2018-19 birthday reading for essential guidance to reaping the benefits of this potent energy. You can also get your reading alongside The Art of Becoming for Leo here.

Dear Friend and Listener:

In this edition, I cover the first section of the text, called “Principles of Miracles.” This is a list of 50 concepts associated with the topic, beginning with the first and most famous one, “There is no order of difficulty of miracles.” I read them and offer commentary and personal experiences working with the material.

Here’s a direct link to that section of the text.

The program is 59 minutes, with original music from Vision Quest. We will be posting every Sunday night, with some weeks off.


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