Open letter to PBS from The Rev. Katie Grace Pepe, a Planet Waves FM listener
Hi Eric, Thanks to you, your dedicated crew, and the rest of the “Misinformation Dozen” I’ve informed myself about “covid” and renounced mainstream media. Below I’ve copied my breakup letter to PBS:
To PBS Network Executives:
I’ve watched PBS Newshour most evenings since its inception, but I’ve tuned in for the last time. I sat horrified and dumbstruck as I watched Jonathan Capehart, a former favorite of mine, dripping with disgust, disdain and contempt for the ignorant new subclass known as the unvaccinated. This behavior, so emblematic of those who call themselves progressives, is as appalling as it is unscientific.

It legitimizes the self-righteous and ill informed who erroneously claim they’re following the science because they listen to you. No matter the network, the party line from paid shills remains the same: submit or suffer the shame and punishment from the elite who actually understand the science. You’re backing more government intrusion in the form of lockdowns, masking/injecting children and universal vaccine mandates while condoning a crusade against the unvaccinated. To what end?
Your uncritical repetition of manipulated data from the very companies who keep us sick for profit is obscene. Big Pharma’s stratospheric profits come at our expense: a generation of children put on psychotropic drugs, genetically modified food and the opioid crisis. Yet you remain silent. Instead, you encourage viewers to scapegoat those hesitant to go along with the prevailing narratives shoved down our throats from mainstream media, government, Big Tech, Big Pharma and the Davos crew.
Your actions do nothing to enable informed consent and instead ostracize and stigmatize those who raise legitimate concerns. You are colluding with other powerful entities to effectively silence valuable dissenting voices, to the detriment of your viewers. Isn’t it the responsibility of a free press to fully investigate and speak truth to power?
You are doing neither. Unlike your founders, Mc Neill and Lehrer, whose unbiased reporting proved pivotal to an informed citizenry making informed choices, Ms. Woodruff and crew, you appear to have sold out to your wealthy corporate backers. As a mouthpiece for the propaganda served up by powerful financial interests and your willingness to suppress highly-credentialed dissenting voices sounding an alarm on this genetically-modified shot you’re pushing, you are complicit in this generation’s atrocities.
Your uncritical repetition of manipulated data from the very companies who keep us sick for profit is obscene. Big Pharma’s stratospheric profits come at our expense: a generation of children put on psychotropic drugs, genetically modified food and the opioid crisis. Yet you remain silent.
Why are you not reporting on the mounting tsunami of reports of injuries and deaths reported to VAERS, the government vaccine injury reporting site? Why are you not demanding autopsies of those who died of the virus–did they die WITH Covid AND underlying conditions or die solely from the virus? Why are you not reporting on the unreliability of the PCR test upon which all of this madness is premised? Why are you pushing universal vaccines when it’s neither safe nor effective for the general population, especially children and young adults? Why are you suppressing compelling information regarding the safe treatment of the virus with already-approved medicine, supplements and natural remedies used for millennia to treat infectious respiratory disease? Where is the extensive coverage of the protests around the globe resisting government overreach and vaccine passports? Where are the voices chanting, “My body, my choice!?”
My friend Martha died last night. She won’t make it onto your Friday night in-memoriam segment though. Although she overcame an infection in February, developing the holistic, robust immunity which would have protected her, she followed advice given by you and others in the mainstream media and got fully vaccinated. Within three months, she developed the thrombosis that killed her in her sleep last night. Her body manufactured copies of the genetically-altered spike proteins that then circulated in her blood causing a deadly clot in a woman in perfect health. Where’s your alarm about such effects of the drug you’re championing? How many more of my friends and family members will I have to say goodbye to or watch struggle with infertility, heart trouble and chronic autoimmune disease?
Allow me to introduce you to Dr. Peter McCullough, internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and full professor of medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine with a master’s degree in public health. He treats patients who have been harmed by the vaccine in his clinic. He notes that the four main non-fatal injuries he’s treating appear 3-5 months post-vaccination and involve the neurologic, immunologic, hematologic and cardiac systems of the body. How can you ignore the relevant data he presents? If you invite him or any of the so-called Misinformation Dozen on your program, please let me know and I’ll withdraw my harsh judgment of you and resume my loyal viewership.
Sadly, this is not my father’s America. He and his generation died for the freedoms I cherish that you so glibly toss aside in favor of the prevailing narrative. Your cowardice and willingness to promote this deceptive narrative will prove you to be on the wrong side of history, in my humble opinion. You’re free to do that, but I will not betray him and other heroes who fought for freedom with my silence.
Rev. Katie Grace Pepe
Miami FL