Taurus Full Moon, Manafort Indictment and 40th Anniversary of Chiron
In this week's Planet Waves FM, I look at the arrest of all three Trump campaign officials, and read Manafort's chart. That happens after I look at the Full Moon chart, and squirm around looking for the right delineation of Ceres. The Full Moon squares Ceres, which I find to be the most elusive of the minor planets. Ceres is opposite the main-belt asteroid Magdalena. I return to the Full Moon in the last segment, in the context of sex and possession.
Even by contemporary standards, 2018 is a distinctive year astrologically. Many slow-moving planets change signs. In the reshaped world that follows, the 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric, The Art of Becoming, will help you design your own future. You may pre-order all 12 signs here for just $99.
Hey Scorpio: Jupiter in your sign is a truly fortunate transit. What will you make of this opportunity? Your 2017-18 Scorpio Birthday Reading by Eric will help you channel your energy in deeply productive ways. Pre-order your reading today.