Leonard Nimoy, the Virgo Full Moon and George Harrison

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Don't miss Wednesday's live, call-in edition of Planet Waves FM. It will be at 8 pm EST on Wednesday, March 4, available by phone, Skype or web. Visit this link to participate.

In tonight's program I look at the Virgo Full Moon that happens on Thursday. I also read the natal charts of Leonard Nimoy and George Harrison.

Kurt Cobain, Sun Conjunct Neptune and Astrology Secrets

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Planet Waves FM is presented free from commercial interruption. We offer helpful, beautifully-crafted astrology services to our members meet many different needs. Read about your options membership here. Learn about your options for readings here.

In tonight's program I look at the current Sun conjunct Neptune aspect, and describe the how Neptune works and how Chiron works as an astrological factor. I offer some perspective on the visual illusion of television vis a vis Marshall McLuhan, the grandfather of media theory. Then I look at the natal chart of Kurt Cobain, whose 48th birthday would have been Feb. 20. In the last section I talk about the differences between a natal chart, a solar chart, whole sign houses and a sidereal chart -- an excellent primer on chart types that will be fun for anyone to listen to.
This program is sponsored by our Core Community members. Here is what we offer to those who take advantage of our services.

Interview with producer of The Seed – film about GMOs

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Planet Waves FM is presented free from commercial interruption. we are sponsored through your memberships and purchases of my astrology readings. If you're curious about Cosmophilia: You Belong Here, my 2015 readings, please check this link.

Tonight's program covers Wednesday's hybrid Aquarius-Pisces New Moon, and then continues with an interview with David Christopher, executive producer of a film called The Seed. This is the story of a family farm confronted by a Monsanto-like corporation. The interview provides a basic introduction to the issue of genetically-modified foods, and to Monsanto, and to the plight of farmers who are fraudulently sued by Monsanto for patent infringement.
This program is sponsored by our Core Community members. Here is what we offer to those who take advantage of our services.