Special live edition of Planet Waves FM Sunday at 8 pm EDT

There will be a special open forum live edition of Planet Waves FM about Mercury retrograde. This program is free, but requires preregistration. You will receive a confirmation and then an email at about 6 pm EDT telling you how to take part. You may participate via landline, cell phone, Skype or live stream on the Internet (Flash capability required). The class takes place with Mercury out of bounds and the Moon void of course (square asteroid Ohpelia). This should be interesting.

Gemini New Moon, the Isla Vista Incident, Planet Waves Horoscope 1000 and a Shout Out to Bob Dylan

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Planet Waves FM is presented free from commercial interruption. Become a Planet Waves Core Community Member, get the best of our services and support ad-free programming. In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover the Gemini New Moon square Neptune. This is quite an aspect pattern, involving the asteroid Apollo in Virgo. I do the chart of the Isla Vista shooting from Friday night and comment on the toxic combination of advertising images, anti-depressants, hero-worship, guns and alienation. After a song break by Suzanne Vega, I talk about the desire to go beyond alienation that led to my becoming an astrologer, and read some thoughts of Dane Rudhyar, published in 1936. Finally I give a shout out to Bob Dylan and acknowledge him for the turn of phrase after which Planet Waves is named.

Mars Direct, Sun Enters Gemini, an Interview with Relationship Coach Blair Glaser and Hip-Hop Artist Upgrade

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Planet Waves FM is presented free from commercial interruption. Become a Planet Waves Core Community Member, get the best of our services and support ad-free programming. Planet Waves is a calling. Invest in what you love and discover how astrology can empower you to live a more conscious and productive life. In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I go over Mars stationing direct, the Sun ingressing Gemini and offer an interview with relationship and organizational coach Blair Glaser. For more resources, click the title of this program, above.

2014 Gemini Birthday Reading — Free Preview

Use this link if you're using an Apple mobile device. I've completed a preview of the 2014 Gemini birthday reading. This is an audio product that includes many features, but is mostly a solid, clear, positive and motivating astrology reading that actually understands Gemini. I go for useful and work to make the most of your time, energy and resources. As you will hear, I focus on the unusual conditions in your personal relationships and the incredible professional opportunities you have open to you now -- no matter what feedback you might be getting from the world.
The reading is, for a brief time, being offered at the lowest pre-order price -- $19.95, which goes up to $24.95 and then higher once it comes out. Reading will be ready evening of Monday, May 26.