Eclipse in Taurus, Beltane and Loreena McKennitt’s Chart

You're invited to a quiet place to reflect on your life -- and somewhere to get ideas about the crossroad you're now standing at. Learn more in this letter from Eric Francis.
In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the annular solar eclipse in Taurus that happens at Tuesday at 2:14 am EDT. This includes a close look at several planets in Taurus, including Juno and Tantalus. I talk about eclipses, how they work and how to use them -- and the message of this eclipse being about getting closer to yourself. Finally, I look at the chart of musician, poet and visionary Loreena McKennitt -- which I am including below so you can see what it looks like. If you are using an iOS device, please use this link.

The Cardinal Grand Cross: Eric Francis as a Guest on ‘Beyond the Ordinary Show’ Hosted by John Burgos

On Wednesday, April 23, I was a guest on the Beyond the Ordinary Show, hosted by John Burgos. The interview begins with a short history of Planet Waves, and then covers how astrology fused with news reporting has created a way of telling the story of the world that is creative and life-affirming. I then talk about the April 23 grand cross, the April 29 eclipse and Mars stationing direct on May 19. I've given many interviews over the years -- this is one of the very best. If you are using an iOS device, please use this link. Learn more about your Spring Reading in this short description.

Cardinal Grand Cross, Hypocrisy Meltdown, The Zone of Projection and Hurricane Carter

In tonight's program, I focus on the phenomenon of projection implied by Mars retrograde in its opposite sign Libra, consider this in the discussion of 'rape culture', and look at the hypocrisy implied in this placement -- which is now coming to a crux. I propose that we have to take the discussion deeper than the legalistic or moralistic level and deal with the reality of what people do and why. If you are using an iOS device, please use this link. Learn more about your Spring Reading in this short description.

Dan and Eric’s Music Hour: The Gear Show

Are you interested in buying a guitar, or getting one as a gift for a young person in your life? We go over the basics of how to pick out a guitar (including discussion of electric, acoustic and classical guitars). We talk about the setup -- how the instrument is modified once it's purchased. Then we go over a few different effects pedals, demonstrating how they sound. This program is a must-hear for anyone getting started on guitar, or who wants to get their kid started on the right track. If you are using an iOS device, please use this link. The Spring Reading is now available. Order all twelve signs for for $59.95.