Blue Studio Series (sex conversations)

Blue Studio on Nov. 11, 2012 Welcome to the first edition of the Blue Studio Series — conversations about sex with Planet Waves readers. These are not really interviews; they are an exchange of ideas, in an informal, free-form format. Nora is a 56-year-old mom and grandmother, who has discovered her freedom and is now exploring erotic adventures. This discussion is about one hour. In this series, we’ll be hearing from people — so far, women — of a diversity of ages and sexual orientations.


Blue Studio Sessions :: Conversation with Susan

Blue Studio on Nov. 11, 2012 In tonight’s edition of the Blue Studio Sessions, hosted by Planet Waves FM, my guest is Susan. She tells us about her sexual history going back to the age of seven, when she revealed her knowledge about something that I think we all need to figure out sooner or later. I think that Susan is peering into the soul of sexuality, and has something unusual to offer us.


Blue Studio Sessions :: Conversation with Margarite

Blue Studio on Nov. 11, 2012 In tonight’s edition of the Blue Studio Sessions, hosted by Planet Waves FM, my guest is Margarite. We talk about her experience of sexual self-discovery, the choice she’s making and her astrology. This is a longer conversation; the file is about 1 hour and 50 minutes.


Blue Studio Series :: On Being Your Own Lover

Blue Studio on Nov. 11, 2012 In tonight’s edition of the Blue Studio Series, hosted by Planet Waves FM, my guest Cat and I take up the question of what it means to be your own lover. Cat is one of many people who has a preference for being her primary sex partner. We talk about her selfloving journey, how she feels about it and how she relates to the world around herself as her own lover.
