No New Normal — federal judge strikes down Pennsylvania lockdown and crowd limits

Judge Stickman’s decision by Eric Francis. Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM In tonight’s edition, I will look at the recent Virgo New Moon and the Libra Equinox, as well as update Mars retrograde and look ahead to Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. I will also focus on the decision of U.S. District Court Judge William Stickman, who struck down Pennsylvania’s lockdown as illegal. He wrote, “The Constitution cannot accept the concept of a ‘new normal’ where the basic liberties of the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency mitigation measures.” I’ll also discuss this presentation on the…


Reconciliation Through Truth

Orson Welles, then age 22, directing the War of the Worlds live radio broadcast on October 30, 1938. This was carried by the CBS Radio Network as part of “Mercury Theater on the Air.” Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM Tonight’s edition is focused on reconciliation through truth, and will begin with a discussion of 9/11 and its astrology. All of the resources are here on our master Sept. 11 resource area. I will feature this audio, excerpted from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.


Mars retrograde. Interview with relationship astrologer Ani Black on the Zone of Projection approach to astrology. Covid and the massive distortion of the true numbers. Tantra studio on working with projection.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen. Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM In tonight’s edition, I lead off with a discussion of Mars stationing retrograde, and Mercury in Libra. Later in the program, I’ll be discussing the news that went around last week that only 6% of reported covid deaths in the U.S. were “covid only,” something that has been true at least going back till May (when according to the CDC it was 7%).


Pisces Full Moon. Mars retrograde in detail. The dark history of AIDS and HIV. Interview w/ Andrew McLuhan about Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan.

Marshall McLuhan Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM I’ve promised a diversity of resources for this program, though here is the most helpful — our guest Andrew McLuhan’s website, at The McLuhan Institute. I will be back later to update, once I have a few more midyear videos in the can. Here is something newsworthy — The New York Times has finally caught up with what we’ve been reporting for months about the PCR test (the polymerase chain reaction). This is a long-known issue, warned about even by CDC itself, as well as by the inventor of the…
