Two programs from the Radio Woodstock days

Dear Friend and Listener:
This week I have for you two artifacts of my early radio career, on topics that are still relevant today. They are from the original program that became Planet Waves FM, called Radio Navigator on Radio Woodstock, and it ran every Sunday night at 11 pm.
My inspiration was Bill Ayres, a former Catholic priest who for nearly 50 years did a Sunday night program on WPLJ radio, a major rock station in New York City. Every week for 90 minutes, the world would slow down and people could be real with one another. When I was a high school student, I listened every week, loving the slow-paced vibe of the program and its human-centered themes, designed to create a safe place to contemplate existence.
In 1996, with the help of my friend Jerry Montano and a local restaurant owner named Bernie Fickett (who provided sponsorship), my pitch to Radio Woodstock was accepted and my program began Sunday, Sept. 22 of that year. I did 75 editions before visiting London and then moving to Germany in the spring of 1998.
See you over on Substack for the program.
With love,
Eric Francis