How advertising is destroying our society and our world, Mercury stationing retrograde trine Nessus, and the natal chart of peformance artist Laurie Anderson
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Advertising is destroying society and our planet. I don’t mean self-promotion or carpenter listings on Angie’s List. I mean agency-created, strategically placed advertising, injected into your mind interrupting your field of vision very nearly wherever you look; interrupting the flow of your thoughts nearly every time you try to think, read or correspond with someone.

But first I look closely at Mercury stationing retrograde in an exact trine to centaur planet Nessus — focusing the astrology of a discussion that’s been brewing on various Planet Waves forums all week.
I also cover the Sun square Chiron, which happens the day after Mercury changes apparent directions.
Then I look at the natal chart of performance artist, storyteller, musician and inventor Laurie Anderson, whose birthday is June 5.
The program page includes Laurie’s noon chart, two great discussion threads and several videos, including Advertising and the End of the World, where I’ve sampled some audio for tonight’s edition.
I also cover the Sun square Chiron, which happens the day after Mercury changes apparent directions.
Then I look at the natal chart of performance artist, storyteller, musician and inventor Laurie Anderson. Additional resources are inside — click the title of the program for Laurie’s charts and several videos. Below is her natal chart cast for noon, as her birth time was not recoverable when I asked her several years ago.
Discussion Thread on Sexual Projection, Control and Insecurity
Discussion Thread on Men’s Rights and Pickup Artists
So fascinating to hear the discussion of the astrology of the moment, especially in light of all of the various threads of discussion going on in the PW forums. What an incredible opportunity to see the astrology reflected in our own interactions.
I’m particularly inspired by the thought of creating non-judgmental, safe spaces for people to have the experience of being held, witnessed and validated as they explore deeply hidden emotional material – especially the type that is buried deep in the body. Here’s to holding the vision for creating those spaces and moving forward with that work.
Oh, and thanks for letting me listen to Laurie Anderson – something I’ve been meaning to do for years.
One thing that doesn’t come up very often in relation to Nessus is sibling abuse. It appears to me that this is a prevalent problem that is seldom discussed and influences our gender identities and insecurities greatly. There are parents who brush it off or ignore it all together, seemingly blind to the damage it causes. I was abused by my siblings as a child, and it set off a pattern of abuse into adulthood until I pushed back, decided what I was and was not going to allow into my life, and then the pattern stopped. Though Nessus still plays out in other areas of my life, it is conjunct my NN. I guess I’m meant to really understand this concept. Though I do have to say that astrologically, once I discovered Nessus, and where it was in my natal chart, the whole abuse situation made sense.