All Hail Northern Solstice!
Here’s your Wednesday edition of Planet Waves FM, presented unceremoniously, and which is standing in for Daily Astrology. I cover the Gemini New Moon — the Moon in the that odd 28+ Gemini (which I covered in the article Here at the Edge of the World).

We then take a song break, diving back to the late 20th century — my guitar teacher, Rusty Boris, made a CD and I play a track called “Thank You.” In the second segment, I talk mainly about Saturn opposite Eris — the seeming dichotomy of independence versus relationship.
We will be back with more Daily Astrology Thursday at 12:01 am EDT.
If you would like to try to listen without any player at all, here’s a direct link:
Here is your program in the old player, where you’ll find the full archives and a downloadable zip file.
Thanks for tuning in.
PS, Note, here is the PDF about Eris that one of or readers mentioned in a comment below. I’ll put it on “free sale” today. I wrote this just about three months after Eris was initially named. Given how swiftly I moved after the naming, I’ve no doubt it’s the first full-strength attempt to delineate Eris, and it may still be. I’m curious to see how it checks out against your experience. If you do a Google search with my name, the word Eris and the word astrology, you will pick up dozens of other references over the years.
Did you know that Planet Waves offers you astrological readings for every sign in audio format including birthday reports? You’re invited to check them out in our audio store. If you’d like access to Eric’s weekly and monthly horoscopes, visit this link to access your free trial to our premium twice-weekly astrology service.