Audio Astrology Readings by Eric Francis
Dear Friend and Reader:
I have served as a counseling astrologer for 20 years, working with thousands of clients. As I’ve done that work, I’ve developed audio readings that provide excellent guidance with decisions you’re making, relationships and developing your creative and professional talents.

In some ways my readings go well beyond astrology. In my work with my clients, I serve as a creative coach, a sounding board and an advocate. Many years of work as a journalist have given me a shrewd edge that I can apply along with sensitivity and empathy, and one of my goals is to teach you how to come up with winning strategies for your life.
Mostly, I an concerned with helping my clients feel better. My audio readings offer all the warmth and connection you feel from a conversation with an old friend. Yet you can have access to your reading instantly, and for a fraction of the cost of in-person consulting. The whole idea of these readings is to make them very good — and very affordable.
You’re invited to have a listen — whether you put the reading onto your iPod or phone, listen in your car or on a sound system. I know you’ll be glad that you did.
I am sure you will love my work, find it immediately helpful and well worth your investment not just of a few dollars but also of your precious time and thought.
This drop-down menu will take you to your reading by sign:
Readings are playable in all formats, on all devices except 8-Track.