Category New Program

An Evening with Wolfgang (and Dan and Eric)

In tonight's somewhat late edition of Dan and Eric's Music Appreciation Hour, we absolutely positively appreciate Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Our music selection includes a trio divertimento, a symphony, an opera and a few other bits and bobs, ending with "name that tune." Here are the charts of Mozart's birth and death and his progressions at the time of his death. For additional resources and the chart, please see the full post.

Sun in Pisces and ‘What is a Transit?’

The Sun enters Pisces today, and I offer my comment what that is about. Then I respond to a reader inquiry: What is a Pluto transit? In order to answer that I have to break down the differences between natal planets and transiting ones. Then I put the two together, using the chart of a reader named Claire. My musical guest is Shana Flana, a local psychedelic rocker. For additional resources and the chart, please see the full post.