Category New Program

Conversation with Elisa Novick

Today Elisa Novick returns to Planet Waves FM. The program begins with an overview of the current astrology, including Mercury stationing retrograde, Sun square Saturn and a few other points of interest. [Tech note to listeners: the interview is…

Five Years Ago: Introduction to Civics with Shayne Gallo

From PW FM archives: In today's special "from the vault" edition of Planet Waves FM, I am joined by the mayor of Kingston, NY -- Shayne Gallo. This is not your hard-hitting kind of interview; rather, it's a conversation about civics: being involved in society. We start with a formal definition of what that means, the one you may have read in the Boy Scout Handbook, and move on from there.

All Hail Northern Solstice!

Here’s your Wednesday edition of Planet Waves FM, presented unceremoniously, and which is standing in for Daily Astrology. I cover the Gemini New Moon — the Moon in the that odd 28+ Gemini (which I covered in the article…