Tonight's program looks back on five years of covering the 2020+ crisis. I continue to ask the basic questions about virus isolation, the "covid test," and whether there was a global pandemic caused by a virus. The questions are elementary but the answers are troubling.
In this edition I will go deeper into one of the core issues of the digital environment. As a result of nobody having a body, there are neither men nor women here; there is neither sex nor gender. And this influences conduct and feelings in the physical world.
I begin with the rise of the digital beast and the instant slavery of AI medicine, then address the limited hangout and the health freedom leaders who are inviting tyranny. I then consider what is happening to men from exposure to hormones and digital technology, and conclude with a segment on love and sex in Japan.
Tuesday night I will have a tribute to my friend Chris McGregor, who died earlier this month. My guests will include Christine Massey on the topic of whether HPV exists, and a the opening of a new chapter in Book of Blue.