David Bowie: Hot Tramp, We Love You So
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Eric has begun writing the 2017 Planet Waves annual edition, The Book of Your Life. This 12-sign reading will be a thorough and useful guide, steering you through 2017 and beyond. You may now choose your individual signs here.
If you’re a Capricorn, your 2017 Birthday Reading is also available for order. Unlock the potential your year ahead has in store with Eric’s guidance.
Dear Friend and Listener:
It’s been one year since David Bowie departed the physical plane. Today’s edition of Planet Waves FM features a reading of David’s chart and some selections of his music.

I take a close look at the lyrics to the song Blackstar, title track of his last album, released on David’s 69th birthday, Jan. 8, 2016. [Purchase on Amazon or iTunes.]
I begin with a look at the current astrology, stretching from Mercury stationing direct in Sagittarius two days ago, to the Full Moon that takes place Thursday morning (6:33:55 am EST, 11:33:55 UTC).
The beauty of this Mercury direct is its conjunction to the Galactic Core and the potent centaur planet Pholus. The cosmic fire of the galaxy is passed to the idea-oriented, mentally illuminated planet Mercury. Then just after the Full Moon, Mercury returns to task-oriented Capricorn, all of which translates to “action is the fruit of knowledge.”
One of my messages about David Bowie is how he gave men permission to be something other than the rigid model of male gender that’s imposed on society. In the third segment I tell the story of an experience I had a few weeks ago wherein a professional dominatrix put me into the mind and consciousness of a woman for about an hour.
I describe the sudden and unexpected reorientation I experienced, including different rules about how to converse, my orientation in social space, and the sensation of being objectified into a thing.
In the last segment, I take a look at the chart of the inauguration of Donald Trump, coming soon to a country near you. I consider the suggestion of a reader not to worry so much about politics.
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Planet Waves FM is published by the nonprofit Chiron Return, Inc., is affiliated with the Pacifica Radio Network, and is distributed by Planet Waves.
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With love,