Festival of Eclipses and Jerry Garcia at 75
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Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, you’ll have access to a helpful, excellent video astrology reading: In the Shadow of the Moon. Pre-order Eric’s 2017 Midyear Reading here for the earliest price of just $66 for all 12 signs.
Your 2017-18 Leo Birthday Reading by Eric is now available for pre-order. This is a seminal year for Leo Sun, rising and Moon, with two New Moons in your sign, the second one a powerful solar eclipse. Make this dynamic energy work for you — pre-order your birthday reading today at the earliest price.
Dear Friend and Listener:
Today would have been Jerry Garcia’s 75th birthday, and commemorating that I have a musically rich program. I’ve squeezed my brain, my iTunes library and the internet to find the best of Jerry for those listening for the first time, or with new ears.

I’ve skipped over the 25-minute jams and the frightening hard rock, and begin with Garcia the bluegrass player; then play a gospel tune before offering a few well-chosen Grateful Dead numbers.
Today’s edition of Planet Waves FM takes you on a tour of the world, beginning with the question: how often do you freak out? Then we look at eclipses both lunar and solar, considering the implications thereof.
Monday’s lunar eclipse happens with the Moon and Sun at 15+ degrees of the fixed signs — at Lammas or midsummer holiday, and setting off the Aries Point. The pace of events is already moving faster than anyone can keep track. Developments from four days ago seem like they happened months ago.
Then two weeks later, the solar eclipse is all over the United States of America and also all over the chart of Donald Trump. What is the connection? Are astrologers really “freaking out” or is there just a low-key conversation going on? Here’s the " target="_blank" rel="noopener">shrieking, white-hot sphere of pure rage that in 2012 The Onion predicted would be the 2016 GOP frontrunner.
After going over the astrology, I give a brief talk on The Gemstone File, which we published with your help last week. What was it like to publish 250,000 pages from the files of Monsanto, GE, Westinghouse, Dow, DuPont, the EPA, the Navy and the Air Force? It was just what you would expect!
Finally, in the Realm of Tantra, I consider what it means that Anthony Scaramucci broke the autofellatio barrier, which I take as a segue into understanding the power of inappropriateness. All of tantra takes place in the realm of taboo. If it’s “normal” or “socially acceptable,” it’s in the way.
Planet Waves FM is funded by your contributions to Chiron Return. You make this program possible. Thank you for your continued generosity.
With love,
PS — Songs on tonight’s program are: Whiskey in the Jar; Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Uncle John’s Band; Lazy River Road; Terrapin Station; Ripple and then Ripple covered by Jane’s Addiction.