Freddie Mercury and His Asteroid
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Jupiter enters Libra on Sept. 9 — which is the main subject of BALANCE, the 2016 Midyear Reading. This is a half-hour video presentation for each sign and rising sign. We recommend that you get all 12 signs. You may also choose individual signs here.
If you’re Virgo Sun, Moon or rising, you can now get instant access to the audio segments of your 2016-17 birthday reading by Eric. Find out what the gathering of planets, Mercury retrograde and an eclipse in your sign mean for you.
Dear Friend and Reader:
In this edition, I look at Jupiter’s ingress into Libra, which takes place Friday morning. This sign-change takes us to a new phase of astrology, with Jupiter entering a more open energy field, and playing counterweight to Uranus and Eris in Aries.

Freddie Mercury would have been 70 years old this week. For years we’ve been wanting to feature him, his chart and his music — and today is the day. This weekend, the Minor Planet Center announced that asteroid (17473) Freddiemercury was named, and Freddie has it, of all places, conjunct his natal Mercury.
I also read the chart of someone who would be utterly appalled to be on the same, well, anything as Freddie Mercury or Queen — Phyllis Schlafly, the one-woman show who derailed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the 1970s.
Considered the First Lady of the neoconservative movement, Schlafly was the ultimate contradiction: a woman who lived with the full rights of personhood, who then denied them to all other women.
Thanks for listening — catch you soon with Planet Waves TV.
You can find Queen’s music, DVDs and other merchandise on the official Queen website. There are also plenty of Freddie biographies out there: one that’s guaranteed to entertain is Freddie Mercury: His Life in His Own Words, which you can find here on Amazon.
With love,
P.S. Around the 35-minue mark, I mistakenly say that Venus is square Saturn; what I meant is that Venus in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn. Apologies for any confusion!