Health ‘Freedom’ movement sells out cheap to RFK Jr. The alleged alien ‘threat’ is all about power. Chart readings of David Byrne and Brian Eno.
Editorial Note — Your Program is Below
Dear Friend and Reader:
Additional program notes and STARCAST are on Substack. Tonight we consider the underlying message of recent “drip disclosure” revelations of “alien life.” I also have two new interviews, one with FOIA grand master Christine Massey, and another with Jeff Strahl, editor of Lockdown Times, Planet Waves FM reporter, and historian.

To those who feel that my coverage of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is somehow unfair or politically motivated, here are some thoughts to consider.
I have been covering him up-close for a year, and observing his statements and actions about “covid” for more than three years; and I worked as an investigator at a law firm associated with him in the 1990s. My views on the man are not political; they are based on an assessment of whether what he says to you, the public, is truthful.
They are based on knowing what he knows, and then aligning that with what he says publicly. My specialty covering “covid” is the PCR device, said to be a test for viral infection, which by the FDA’s own admission it is not. This led to an investigation of the claim of a virus and how it came to be.
That is what I write about, and that is what I write about Mr. Kennedy. Tonight’s interview with Jeff Strahl goes a lot deeper, into the history of the Democratic party and the Kennedy family. I would encourage you to listen — it is on its own player below. As I said at the end, it’s a good thing I like getting my mind blown.
For a year, I’ve been told that writing about the existence of the virus is a “divisive issue” and not a necessary part of the discussion. I’ve been told that “people are not ready to hear this.” Two weeks ago, I asked Mr. Kennedy whether, during claimed an alien invasion of the Earth, it would matter whether there were actually aliens or not. And I ask you whether a politician told you the truth about that would matter — to you.
We will find no justice, no peace, and no stability, if we keep accepting the fact that “politicians lie, and that’s the way it is.” That is asking to be deceived. Six decades into my journey on Earth, I’ve had enough.
With love,

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Funny, you mention the Contras blamed on Reagan. That was the general consensus on the left. I have a t-shirt I think I got through KPFK back in the day with art by Robbie Conal of Reagan and the text says Contra above his face and Diction below. BTW great interview with Jeffrey! Glad he will be a regular. He is a wealth of knowledge and ideas.