In This Last Week of the Mayan Cycle

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the issue surrounding the massacre at the Sandy Hook School. First, I cover the Sun’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, as well as the details about the Mayan calendar that raise the question of whether we’re at the end of the piktun or not. In other words, how important is Friday’s turnover, to date And does Saturday begin a new cycle entirely (, or do we totally reset and start over at This is about the Mayan long count that ‘ends’ on Friday morning.
Then, I comment on the chart of Friday’s shooting and account for why the thing looks like it supports every conspiracy theory in existence. The chart is included in this article on Planet Waves called Connecting Cause and Effect.
Here is that article by Shelley Ackerman on the discovery of the Galactic Center. Here is a panel of photos of many kinds of galaxies, with ours on the bottom right; this is the 2007 annual edition called The Spiral Door (anyone can dive in and read).
My musical guest is Renee Blue O’Connell, with one selection from the Grateful Dead.
Here is your program in the Old Player. Note, you can download a compressed file of the program on the Old Player page, which also includes a full archive of Planet Waves FM going back to 2010. More recent programs are collected in the category listing at the top of the blog frame.
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