Jupiter in Scorpio: Answers Aplenty in the By and By
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In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric, is available for instant access. Don’t miss this essential guide to life after the Great American Eclipse. Order all 12 signs here (recommended), or choose your individual signs.
The Libra solar year commenced with a special conjunction of the Sun and Vesta. Your 2017-18 Libra Birthday Reading by Eric contains the guidance you need to help you focus on what matters to you the very most. Order your reading today.
Dear Planet Waves FM Listener:
Before I get into the astrology of tonight’s show [play program here], all focused on Jupiter in Scorpio and concentrated in the first segment, first a note from the spiritual department: this program is designed to leave you feeling good about life, and about your life. We live in troubled times. Planet Waves FM is a refuge and a healing space.
Next, a note about the music.

When I do a program featuring the Grateful Dead, as I’ve prepared tonight, I design it for people who don’t like the band, or who could never get into them.
I’m not here so much to evangelize (just a little, if only for the lyrics) but rather to open up a universe of musical pleasure, history and tradition, in pure American style.
Tonight’s songs include one from the country genre (“Dark Hollow“), two from the Celtic-psychedelic genre of the late 1960s (“Mountains of the Moon” and “Saint Stephen“), and then a medley that includes one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard, “Eyes of the World,” followed by the Dead’s one and only political song, “Throwing Stones” (cause it’s all too clear we’re on our own, and the politicians throwing stones, singing ashes, ashes all fall down) followed by the instrumental “Sage and Spirit.”
I read the lyrics to three of them, which peel off the page as if they’re being written as I speak.
As for the astrology.
Today Jupiter entered Scorpio, where it has not been since last exiting on Nov. 24, 2006. Jupiter condenses the creative, spiritual and mystical qualities of Sagittarius and Pisces, and the nurturing qualities of Cancer, and introduces them to the sex-death-regeneration-transformation zone known as Scorpio.
In the middle two segments, I sum up the latest out of Las Vegas, which includes questioning the primary narrative of that event (one lone shooter, no motive, no accomplices) and considers a couple of others.

Then, I air out the controversy brewing over the birthdate of the alleged shooter, Stephen Paddock, whose birth certificate, or rather, certificates, started circulating this past weekend. Something funny is going on, which is that my research team and I believe the April 4, 1953, birthdate is plausible, while all other astrologers I know of, and the state of Iowa, and the Las Vegas police, and the federal government, are locked down on the April 9, 1953, date.
I do what you might guess I would do: read the whole controversy as a metaphor, keying into the Gemini rising event chart (two versions of the story, two versions of the alleged perp). Then I read both charts, which are presented below and linked to a much larger format.
Please feel free to post this letter (link to web format here) to any astrology group you want, such as the KISS group. Later I’ll prepare a shortened version with just the Las Vegas stuff; that will be posted from my Facebook page.
Planet Waves is sponsored by your contributions to Chiron Return, an organization devoted to mentorship in journalism, preserving historic documents and publishing Planet Waves FM. We are a proper 501-styled nonprofit organization and your donations are tax-deductible if you live in the U.S.
Thank you for listening.
With love,

Astrology Impacting the World is Influencing You
“The truth is I rely on what Eric says. I have always been a follower of astrology, but listening to Eric has been a learning, growing, enlightening experience.”
— Annie Parisella
Dear Friend and Reader:
News events the past month have demonstrated that the Great American Eclipse has had a global effect, and a profound impact on the United States — and that’s apparently not over. This same astrology is having many personal effects as well, shaping your life and presenting you with challenges and options.
We have an easy-to-use tool that will help you suss out what those influences are about: this includes both the eclipse and forthcoming transits extending well past 2018.

Astrology happens.
When you have an understanding of its meaning, you’re at a distinct advantage.
When you don’t know, information that could help you is not available. That’s why Eric works so diligently to make astrology clear, easy to follow and easy to apply to your life.
If you have not yet purchased Eric’s Midyear Reading for 2017 — In the Shadow of the Moon — you may find that it’s exactly what you’re looking for. It may even be just the thing you had no idea you needed — especially if you thought this set of readings for the 12 signs was only about the recent eclipse. It is not.
Yes, Eric uses the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse as a starting point. But the 2017 Midyear Reading looks into the next few months and even into 2018 — outlining the major planetary sign changes coming up and what that means for you.
Chiron will be exiting Pisces and entering Aries; Saturn bids adieu to Sagittarius and comes ‘home’ to Capricorn; and Uranus will leave Aries behind and light up Taurus for a few years. No matter what your Sun, Moon or rising sign might be, these shifts to the astrological landscape will have a specific impact in your life.
So what are you waiting for? Louis Pasteur wrote that fortune favors the prepared mind; when you prepare your heart and soul at the same time with the 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, the door of opportunity tends to open that much wider.
“I purchased the midyear reading for my sign, and it is right on point, especially with both eclipses in August.”
— Gayook Wong
And if things have been rocky for you lately — or if you still feel upended by whatever the recent pair of eclipses brought — a little spiritual centering and grounding and perspective-shifting a la Planet Waves could very well help you to make sense of it all. I hope you’ll give it a try; individual signs are available here — or, you can still order all 12 as a complete package here.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor