Mercury Direct and Grand Cross
Today’s edition of Planet Waves FM covers Mercury stationing direct at 6:11 am EDT Wednesday. This happens concurrently with a grand cross in the mutable signs. (And here is an extra article about the mutables.) That cross includes Venus in Gemini, the South Node, Mars in Virgo, the Moon (at the time of the recording), Juno and the North Node in Sagittarius and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.

That’s a lot of planets — but there are even more. To help me sort them out I include a short interview with Martha Lang Wescott, known as one of the most astute asteroid specialists in the world. Here is the minor planet list set to a 90-degree sort. The mutables are the last group.
The program begins with a brief reading of the natal chart of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Wednesday is the 44th anniversary of his assassination. I will update this page soon with the charts involved, and by tomorrow morning the program will appear on the old player, as a download on our own page, and in iTunes.
Note, in the course of my research today, I found this article on the mutable cross. I’ve only scanned it, but it looks extremely interesting.
Here is your program in the old player, where you’ll find the full archives and a downloadable zip file.
Thanks for tuning in.

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