Mercury Station Direct in Scorpio

Use this link if you’re listening on an iOS or mobile device. Planet Waves FM is presented each week without commercial interruption. It is produced and published by Chiron Return, our nonprofit friends nearby.

Tonight’s program focuses on Mercury stationing direct in Scorpio, which occurs on Wednesday. Just ahead of that, Mars enters Scorpio. Think of the syntax of that: the motivation precedes the decision. Let this astrology influence you at its own pace, probably a little slower than you would proceed otherwise.

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

This week I have two interviews — one with Samuel Dean, a friend who is an obsessive news watcher, avid and deep reader, and scholar of the law; and Michael Elia, a political science professor and attorney.

Here are Sam’s impeachment notes, as a PDF. We discuss the implications of the impeachment in a calm and reflective way for quite a while. The interviews alone go for two hours.

Then I offer the last of the Scorpio Tantra Studios, on the theme of power. This includes handling what happens to you as you gain sexual awareness and align with your personal truth.

Music is by Vision Quest, produced by Daniel Grimsland.

I am planning to take two Sundays off from the program, in service of completing the RESPECT audio readings. That may change. Check Planet Waves (meaning for updates. I will have the Thanksgiving music special, once again featuring Bob Dylan, in cooperation with our friends at Special Rider Music.

Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. We are an affiliate of the Pacifica Radio Network. Please consider becoming one of our monthly sponsors. If you cannot afford to, you are most welcome to share this page and tell people about Planet Waves FM. Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far.

I am open to connecting with a “major donor” who will help Chiron Return, the nonprofit that publishes the program, with seed funding to help us build our organization and increase our visibility.

Thanks for tuning in.

With love,

Mercury Stations Direct

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