Our Virgo Sun and The Tragically Hip
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Eric has now completed BALANCE, the 2016 Midyear Reading. You can still get all 12 signs for just $57, or you may choose individual signs here.
If you’re Virgo Sun, Moon or rising, you can now pre-order your 2016-17 birthday reading by Eric and find out what the gathering of planets in your sign will mean for you.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Tonight we pay tribute to The Tragically Hip, whose presumed final concert was watched by 11 million Canadians on Saturday night. The streets of towns and cities were deserted, the Olympics were abandoned and eyes and ears focused on Kingston, Ontario, where the band ended its tour.

Though barely known in the United States, The Tragically Hip are a national treasure of Canada. Earlier this year, the band announced that Gord Downie, the lead vocalist, had been diagnosed with a brain tumor that is almost always fatal. He had surgery and chemotherapy and when he was well enough, the band traveled across the country for what most believe will be its last tour.
Tonight I also have lots and lots about Virgo. I start with the current astrology, describing the current Mars-Saturn conjunction, and the Mars-Neptune square happening later in the week, and what this translates to in thought and action.
The astrology we’re under is calling for response with integrated intelligence. Mars-Saturn-Neptune brings the Saturn-Neptune square out of the background and into the fore. Additionally, planets are collecting in Virgo as we approach two eclipses: one in Virgo and one along the Pisces-Virgo axis.
I read an extensive passage from Alice A. Bailey’s chapter on Virgo in Esoteric Astrology, which regards Virgo as the oldest concept in astrology and the most important sign of the zodiac.
I end the program with a reading from Philip Rothson’s book Tantra: The Indian Cult of Ecstasy, continuing my discussion of women as teachers and initiators.
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With goddess love,
PS — If you’d like to learn more about the Hip, here are three useful articles: from VICE magazine, the New Yorker and Canadian publication Maclean’s.