Another Amazing Interview with Rachel Marco-Havens

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My guest this week is Rachel Marco-Havens, a popular guest whom you met last year. In this Planet Waves AM/FM broadcast, I read samples of reader responses to my questions about the #MeToo movement, take listener calls, and feature The Clash.

The 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric, The Art of Becoming, is shaping up to be an exciting and information-packed reading. You may pre-order all 12 signs here (recommended), or choose your individual signs here.

Hey Aquarius: Saturn is newly in Capricorn, and later this spring your other ruling planet, Uranus, will enter Taurus. Pre-order your 2018-19 Aquarius Birthday Reading by Eric for a reliable guide to these changes and much more.


Our American Astrology, and PWFM Takes to the Airwaves

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Tonight’s program is the premiere of Planet Waves AM / FM on Radio Kingston, recorded live. I cover the chart for the weekend-long government shutdown, offer a tribute to the second annual Women's March, and feature original music by Vision Quest, the Planet Waves band.

The 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric, The Art of Becoming, is shaping up to be an exciting and information-packed reading. You may pre-order all 12 signs here (recommended for best value), or choose your individual signs here.

Hey Aquarius: Saturn is newly in Capricorn, and later this spring your other ruling planet, Uranus, will enter Taurus. Pre-order your 2018-19 Aquarius Birthday Reading by Eric for a reliable guide to these changes and much more.


Capricorn New Moon and Interview with Elizabeth Gross

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I begin the program with a look at tonight's Capricorn New Moon, then cover the false ballistic-missile alert in Hawaii on Saturday. I also feature an interview with Ayurvedic healer Elizabeth Gross.

The 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric, The Art of Becoming, is underway and will likely be ready by the end of January. We are increasing the prices on Jan. 18, so grab your copy soon! Pre-order all 12 signs for just $99, or choose your individual signs.

Hey Aquarius: Saturn is newly in Capricorn, and later this spring your other ruling planet, Uranus, will enter Taurus. Pre-order your 2018-19 Aquarius Birthday Reading by Eric for a reliable guide to these changes and much more.


Our Calm New Capricorn Environment

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Tonight's program catches us up on the new Capricorn astrology environment, Michael Wolff's book, my latest McLuhan studies and finally, in the tantra section, a discussion of embarrassment as the key to enlightenment.

Even by contemporary standards, 2018 is a distinctive year astrologically. Many planets change signs. In the reshaped world that follows, the 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric, The Art of Becoming, will help you design your own future. Pre-order all 12 signs here, or choose your individual signs.

Attention Capricorn: your ruling planet Saturn has returned home to your sign. Find out how you can make friends with Father Time, and take the reins of your life, when you order your 2018 Capricorn Birthday Reading by Eric Francis.
