Martin Luther King: In the Name of Love

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Today is the 49th anniversary of the murder of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. In tonight's program, after I cover the current astrology, I look at Dr. King's chart, I talk about the now well-known FBI conspiracy to destroy him, and then I play 30 minutes of his speech linking the civil rights movement to the anti-war movement. That was 50 years ago today, on April 4, 1967.

This is an exciting time to be an Aries. Find out how to maximize your potential and get energized by what's happening in your sign when you pre-order your 2017-18 birthday reading here.


All That Aries, and Those Aries People

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Planet Waves FM is back, with the Aries edition [play episode here]. I look at all the Aries conjunctions we're currently experiencing, including the Moon passing through the Uranus-Eris conjunction tonight, and the Sun about to pass through it.

Join Eric's exciting new class this Saturday, Karma, Reincarnation and Astrology. Learn how to view the astrology chart as a picture of karma, and how to move forward with what you discover. The class is one of three upcoming sessions between April and June -- you can order all three here at half the total price.

This is an exciting time to be an Aries. Find out how to maximize your potential and get energized by what's happening in your sign when you pre-order your 2017-18 birthday reading here.


Interview with Ward B. Stone, American environmental hero, 2017 in Delmar, NY

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In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM I drove up to Troy, NY, to meet my old friend and mentor Dr. Ward B. Stone. You may know that I have some years in as an environmental investigative reporter, and Ward was one of the people who helped me. 

Join Eric's exciting new class, Karma, Reincarnation and Astrology. Learn how to view the astrology chart as a picture of karma, and how to move forward with what you discover. The class is one of three upcoming sessions between April and June -- you can order all three here at half the total price.

Hello Pisces! Venus will soon retrograde back into your sign and Chiron is spending its last full year there. Order your 2017-18 birthday reading here and discover what these events and more could mean for you.


Venus Retrograde and the Affordable Care Act

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Tonight's program looks more closely at Venus retrograde in Aries. I also have a segment on the political madness we're currently living under, with a special segment on the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) provided by Democracy Now!

Join Eric's exciting new class, Karma, Reincarnation and Astrology. Learn how to view the astrology chart as a picture of karma, and how to move forward with what you discover. The class is one of three upcoming sessions between April and June -- you can order all three here at half the total price.

Hello Pisces! Venus will soon retrograde back into your sign and Chiron is spending its last full year there. Order your 2017-18 birthday reading here and discover what these events and more could mean for you.
