Interview with producer of The Seed – film about GMOs
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Tonight's program covers Wednesday's hybrid Aquarius-Pisces New Moon, and then continues with an interview with David Christopher, executive producer of a film called The Seed. This is the story of a family farm confronted by a Monsanto-like corporation. The interview provides a basic introduction to the issue of genetically-modified foods, and to Monsanto, and to the plight of farmers who are fraudulently sued by Monsanto for patent infringement.
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Tonight's program covers Wednesday's hybrid Aquarius-Pisces New Moon, and then continues with an interview with David Christopher, executive producer of a film called The Seed. This is the story of a family farm confronted by a Monsanto-like corporation. The interview provides a basic introduction to the issue of genetically-modified foods, and to Monsanto, and to the plight of farmers who are fraudulently sued by Monsanto for patent infringement.
This program is sponsored by our Core Community members. Here is what we offer to those who take advantage of our services.