Outside the FooFighters last weekend, security officials at Madison Square Garden inspect vaccine cards of fans entering the show. Photo by Eric Francis. We are sponsored only by our listners. Please support Chiron Return with a one-time or monthly tax deductible contribution. Get on our mailing list. Donate with Crypto Mobile device | Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM | Live Music Stream by Vision Quest – Fabulous! Reduced Bandwidth Version (mono, medium compression, about half the size, please let me know if this works better you) • The program opens with astrology, more or less, and…
Maybe that lab release theory was not so batty after all. Or maybe it’s another scam. Mobile device | Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM | Live Music Stream by Vision Quest – Fabulous! SPECIAL INTERVIEW: Investigative reporter Bill Huston takes on Dunkin’ Donuts over masks in Endicott, NY and wins the whole country — more than 8,000 stores drop the mask requirement after he threatens to make them arrest him