Mars Direct, Jupiter conjunct Pluto. Whitney Webb Interview. More tribute to Betty Dodson.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto, except that Pluto (if you could see it at all on this scale) is much closer to the size of that little tiny dot between them, which is one of Jupiter’s natural satellites. Mobile device | Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM | Live Music Stream by Vision Quest Tonight’s program — the last before the holiday — includes a discussion of Mars direct and Jupiter conjunct Pluto, what I learned about Covid this week, an interview with Whitney Webb (conducted by Joe Mercola) and a discussion with Cheryl Corson, who attended Betty Dodson’s last…


Tribute to my tantric teacher, Dr. Betty Dodson, author of Sex for One

NY Times obit for Betty Dodson, my tantric teacher and longtime friend. Photo by Neal McDonough. Mobile device | Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM | Live Music Stream by Vision Quest In tonight’s edition, after I talk about other things, starting at 1:20, I do the rest of the program about Betty Dodson, her life, her teachings and her natal chart. Best natal chart reading ever! Our Betty Dodson Archive Betty’s natal chart and progressions from 2017. In Saturday night’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I’ll offer the first of what will probably be a few tributes…


This is a Test: What we learned from the War of the Worlds radio broadcast, plus the Taurus Full Moon and election astrology

New York Times front page the morning after Orson Welles’ production of War of the Worlds, on CBS radio. Mobile device | Download | Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM Tonight’s edition looks at the War of the Worlds broadcast by Orson Welles, which happened Oct. 30, 1938. I also cover the Full Moon, plus election astrology, and play in interview of Claus Kohnlein by Dr. Sam Bailey. Here is the article by Jon Rappoport documenting the CDC admitting that it has no measurable samples of SARS-CoV-2, i.e., it it is not proven to exist. Rappoport first documented…


Summoning Courage in the Face of Fear

Late night radio at Planet Waves. Mobile device | Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM In tonight’s edition, I cover the astrology between now and Dec. 21. I give the early history of the Covid situation, particularly involving China, the announcement of a novel virus, and the creation of the programming codes for the PCR computer that is being used as a “test.” Then I present part of the interview of an attorney named Reiner Fullmich, who is admitted to practice in California and Germany. It was posting a video of Dr. Fullmich to Facebook that got me…
