Sun in Virgo. Mars square Saturn. More from the history of science. David Rasnick Interview

Biochemist David Rasnick Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM Tonight’s program includes an interview with David Rasnick, a biochemist and forensic virologist, who will help us make some sense out of the facts and disinformation surrounding Covid-19 and the supposedly “novel” coronavirus. We begin with a topic familiar to listeners: the origins of the virus, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay being used to falsely inflate the case count. The program begins with a discussion of Mars in Aries mixing it up with retrograde Capricorn planets, covers the healing-integration theme of the Sun in Virgo, and concludes…


Introduction to Mars Retrograde

  Setup for the first Vision Quest House Concert in 2015. Photo by Eric Francis. Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM Here is the new program on Mars retrograde, with resources added. Show description forthcoming. Music this week is by Vision Quest. Here is our Soundcloud. Musical note — the section of Fishbone played tonight is actually me on guitar and Grape and the Grain drummer Steve Markota on keyboard. Billy Riker is not on that part of the session. I’ll play some of that next week.


Pam Popper Interview

  Pam Popper at the World Medical Desk. Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM For those of you who like a good, strong cup of coffee, I have an interview with Pam Popper. Founder and president of Wellness Forum Health, Pam is a naturopathic doctor who has gone into medical journalism and a kind of citizen action data collection. You may be familiar with her YouTube videos, which focus the issue of civil liberties. This is the topic that few people want to talk about; being the good citizens that we are, we do what is necessary for…


Jerry Garcia Birthday Edition

Download here. Birdsong by Robbi Cohn, Planet Waves subscriber since the dawn of time. Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM Welcome to the first five-hour Planet Waves FM. Tonight’s edition combines my regular program with the Deadhead Hour with the Music Appreciation Hour, and features Daniel Marc Sternstein — one of my collaborators on the Vision Quest project and a little or a lot of everything else. Here are the time dividers: Fucking through a wall rant begins at the top of the program, leading into a discussion of the PCR test being used to prop up the…
