All Around This World

  Florence. In this week’s edition, I continue discussing my observations of what is happening in the world and what it means for us socially and spiritually. I then cover the Sun passing through the Jupiter-Pluto-Eris square pattern. Following this, I continue with the Venus-Vesta in Gemini event on Tuesday (which lasts all month and well into May). That segues into Mercury on the cardinal cross, jumping into the pattern associated with the lunar nodes, Pholus and Chiron: a lot of discussion of ancestral material and sexual healing. I describe my healing process around my relationship with my mother’s…


Tantra Studio: Venus and Vesta in Gemini

  Photo by Eric Francis / Book of Blue, New York Tonight I have a special Full Moon edition of Tantra Studio, focused on Venus in Gemini, Vesta in Gemini and Venus retrograde in conjunction to Vesta. Following this is a teaching called “The Erotic Power of No, by Aditi Amrita.”


In the Wake of Adversity

  Photo by Lanvi Nguyen. In this week’s Planet Waves FM, I make a reference to several articles, all of which can be found on the homepage of This program takes some interesting turns to places I was not expecting to go. In Tantra Studio, I have some additional thoughts pertaining to Venus in Gemini and Venus conjunct Vesta.


The Road to Nowhere

  Photo by Lanvi Nguyen Here is your new program — first with a check-in about your situation in the midst of this nutty world we’re suddenly living in. This is followed by a review, and preview, of the current astrology — from the Aries New Moon last Tuesday, to the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. In the third segment, I discuss my thesis in the new article I published with the monthly horoscope — about the environment known as the environment, and how Coronabro is just a small facet of that. Finally in Tantra Studio, I riff…
