Personhood: Breakdown – Breakthrough – Breakfree
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Hey Aries — need some guidance after the recent lunar eclipse across your horizon? Your 2016-17 birthday reading. Find out how to surf the Uranus-Eris wave and be at the forefront of the identity revolution. You may pre-order your reading today for just $19.97.

Dear Planet Waves Listener:
In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I focus on two features associated with Aries: the conjunction of Uranus and Eris that is now under way, and Mars retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio. I link the two (they are joined, through Mars and Aries).
In the first segment I read a few reader emails on the theme of personhood; that is, of becoming a person. These are positively brilliant short essays written by people who have been following these ideas as they develop in Planet Waves.
In the second segment, I talk about Mars in Sagittarius representing a process of questioning beliefs and “isms,” and following that questioning process deep into the heart of Scorpio. There, we meet the miracle of sexual reproduction and mortality — the shuffling of the genetic code, the sacrifice of immortality, and the genetic script called senescence.
In the third segment, I propose a solution — or at least a viable path — on the sexual healing theme, recognizing how difficult it is to trust, and how healing must be directed inwardly first.
My musical guest is Arc Iris, who will be performing at BSP in Kingston (and throughout New England) in late March and April.