Pisces Solar Eclipse: Nessus, Vesta, Tantra
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Hello Pisces! Venus will soon retrograde back into your sign and Chiron is spending its last full year there. Pre-order your 2017-18 birthday reading here and discover what these events and more could mean for you.

Dear Friend and Listener:
In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM [play episode here], I dive deep into Pisces, and take a close look at Sunday’s eclipse of the Sun.
I open the discussion on all things taboo, as described by Vesta (goddess of the hearth, and of sexual healing) and Nessus (centaur often associated with transgression). I begin with a general discussion of the eclipse, which comes with many planets concentrated in Pisces and Aries.
One of the outstanding things about this chart is the conjunction of Mars to Uranus within hours of the Moon-Sun conjunction (an annular solar eclipse).
We are accompanied on this journey by The Joy Formidable, a Welsh rock band that floods the space around them with sound. They’re a little edgier than we’re used to on the program, though I took some time and worked out the play list and song order, for ease of introduction and maximum listening pleasure. Thanks to Jocelyn for introducing me to this fantastic musical act, which will be playing Manhattan on Wednesday, March 1.
If you’re curious about their music, check here: The Big Roar (Amazon | iTunes), Wolf’s Law (Amazon | iTunes) and Hitch (Amazon | iTunes).
Planet Waves FM is part of the nonprofit Pacifica Radio Network, published by Chiron Return, Inc.
We are sponsored by your memberships, subscriptions and product purchases. For samples of The Book of Your Life, go to the horoscope section of last week’s edition of Planet Waves.
Thank you for tuning in.
With love,