Pluto in Aquarius and Full Digital Conditions: Aquarian High Council presentation

Dear Friend and Reader:
I just wrapped up my presentation on Pluto in Aquarius and Full Digital Conditions, for the Aquarian High Council Summit now in progress. The summit is free; click through for the link to join. Tonight’s remaining event is a panel discussion of how astrologers can help people in these chaotic and turbulent time.
Supporting references for my presentation on the science issues can be found in my Open Letter to Denis Rancourt, and also my coverage of RFK Jr. avoiding the missing virus problem. These break down, in detail, the missing virus problem.
My day-by-day chronology can be found here. For those new to the chronology I suggest you read January 2020; start there, and then branch out.
Here is the non-astrological version of this same presentation: The Digital Seduction of Covid 19, hosted by Dr. Sam Bailey.
Here is the article, They Were Barefoot in Babylon.
Life during a “deadly pandemic” before digital (analog people):

Life during a “deadly pandemic” after digital (digital people):

Hey Eric!
Informative, inspirited and insightful discussion as usual. That’s just duh at this point. I am so very grateful I’ve found you and have the profound and distinct pleasure of contributing to your work every month. I look forward to getting you mano é mano one of these days once I decide to pay for a session!
You made but a cursory comment about Steven Forrest; how you had seen a video where he obtusely claims any unvaccinated individual should stay away from any restaurant he’s eating at. Would you be able to share that link with me here so I could see it with my own eyes? My curiosity is just piqued!!!
Thank you in advance 🙂