Scorpio Full Moon, Games People Play, Millennial Generation Astrology — and the First Live Call-In on Sunday, May 18
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First as promised, here is your signup for Sunday night’s open community discussion on Mars stationing direct.

This is a free event, though you will need to preregister. It begins at 8 pm EDT on Sunday, May 18 and is scheduled to last for 90 minutes. You can listen or participate by phone, Skype or live stream on the Internet.
Tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM covers three topics — the first is the Scorpio Full Moon, and Venus passing through the grand cross.
In the second section I look at the work and the astrology of Dr. Eric Berne, innovator of transactional analysis. This is the 50th anniversary of the book Games People Play, and Dr. Berne’s 114th birth anniversary was this past weekend on May 10.
In the third section I look at the astrology of the millennial generation, in particular people born between 1983 and 1999. This is a followup to last week’s program, The Walk of Shame.
Our musical guest is the Nathaniel Jonstone Band.
I think that about covers it, except for this fantastic interview with Jaclyn Friedman that I would call to your attention.
— by Lisa Citore
If you want to change the world, love a man
Beyond your faithlessness
and your secret hatred of humanity
Beyond all your judgment and self righteous projection.
The stone on your heart is as ancient
as the thought that you had to deny His existence
to know your power.
You are no less God than you ever were.
Man is no more guilty than Woman is innocent.
Love him for bearing the burden of desire in his sex
so your temple could remain whole unto itself-
for taking on the split aspect of mind
that seemed to abandon the oneness of heaven
so that you might know the joy of Its extension.
Love the ecstatic, primal root
castrated by religion as the root of all evil-
the channel of divine creative impulse-
that sparks the seeds of life, death and birth
from the womb of space and time.
Love the humble guardian and warrior
Man has been to Woman
even as he hunts her,
even in his drive towards self gratification,
which ultimately is the portal to soul union.
Love the violator who holds the mirror
to everything you have disowned within yourself-
so that all your desire, your creative impulse
may be freed
from the chains of separation, lack and guilt
and you can finally trust your Self.
Loved this episode. As a “millenial,” I especially enjoyed the last third of the program. You should do an entire episode on this issue of “no solid ground” and “no privacy,” because I think it plays into the walk of shame mentality and a lot of other problems of this generation. I think the “quicksand” feel of this generation relates as much to climate change as it does to terrorism. Consumer electronics and personal technology (including things like facebook and twitter) are both a crutch for our pervasive feeling of instability, insecurity and uncertainty, and a direct embodiment of that sentiment. In other words, this generation uses those things (cell phones, facebook, etc) as an incessant way to avoid our own thoughts, our own reflections, our own fears, our own motivations for intimacy and connection (this is why I think it relates to the walk of shame mentality). But under the surface, this technology actually reinforces our own lack of solid ground. This is the defining feature of the Millenial generation…that we live in a 2-dimensional world of screens. Metaphorically and literally, we propagate our own lack of solid grounding. Our social world, our interactions, our source of connectivity, is actually physically non-existent…it’s largely on the internet. facebook, twitter, instagram, okcupid, imgur, reddit, texting…it’s all giving us a false sense of connectivity, so we have less of a drive to go out into the physical world and cultivate genuine connectivity, authentic intimacy. Our identities, rather than slowly, organically developing from the sum of our face-to-face interactions with other over time, are now carefully crafted from our solitary boxes in the form of online profiles. We have become not the sum of our interactions, but the sum of our selfies. It is no surprise that the Hipster generation has arisen out of the Millenial generation, and I think this is the reason why. Every millenial is a hipster, and I think this comes directly from our lack of grounding, our fleeting connection to what is actually around us (look how many of us are just staring at our phones in public, afraid to look at the world around us!), and the extent to which we are losing the art of conversation, the art of direct, simple experience (without the compulsion to tweet or instagram), and the art of intimacy.