The Deep Space Gemini Full Moon
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CORRECTION: When recording I erroneously referred to the shooting victim as Lamar McDonald. His first name was in fact Laquan. I apologize for this error.
Here is today’s edition of Democracy Now!, featuring a report on the shooting of Laquan McDonald, mentioned below.
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First, as mentioned last week, Planet Waves FM was accepted as an affiliate of Pacifica Radio, the inventors of community radio in the United States. That’s the same Pacifica that carries Democracy Now! and which owns KPFA in Berkeley, KPFK in Los Angeles and WBAI in New York City (among others).

It is indeed an honor to be included as part of a network of 200 community stations that have done so much for the world. Today, the Pacifica Network published an article and interview with me welcoming Planet Waves FM into the fold.
Here’s a short sample of the interview: “One of the things I do is astrology of many major news events. It’s a way of getting behind the news. It’s a way of assessing the emotional and spiritual impact of events on people, and it provides a different dimension through which to look at the world.”
As part of this development, ownership of Planet Waves FM has been transferred to Planet Waves’ nonprofit arm, Chiron Return, Inc., an organization I founded last year that’s designed to teach media literacy and to train investigative reporters. More news on that when it’s available.
In tonight’s program, I cover the Gemini Full Moon, which is exact Wednesday at 5:44 pm EST (22:44 UTC). This is an unusual Full Moon in that it aligns with the Saturn-Neptune square (first exact contact is Thursday). That, in turn, aligns with several unusual planets — centaur Asbolus, Kuiper object Orcus, asteroid Tantalus and other points.

These in turn align with two black holes, a quasar and a maser — deep space points that crank up the energy and influence of these aspects significantly. Thanks to Alex Miller for helping me suss out those points.
In the second segment I look at the state of the world, covering three stories — the terrorism scare in Europe; the indictment of Jason Van Dyke for first degree murder. Van Dyke shot a 17-year-old back youth named Laquan McDonald 16 times a year ago. And I look at the impact of Turkey shooting down a Russian airplane.
Tonight’s music is by String Cheese Incident, one of the great jazz-rock fusion jam bands ever — another show where the music is worth the price of admission (which is free).
But it’s not free to produce Planet Waves FM. Please become a member, or renew your membership — you will feel good about doing so. Memberships come in many shapes and sizes and range from $7.77 a month to $1,111 a year — and lots in between.