The Eclipse, The Investigation and The ‘Lesser Lyricist’

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You can now get instant access to the first four signs of our 2018 annual, The Art of Becoming — with more to follow. Order all 12 signs here to read your Sun, Moon and rising sign and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Hey Aquarius: Saturn is newly in Capricorn, and later this spring your other ruling planet, Uranus, will enter Taurus. Order your 2018-19 Aquarius Birthday Reading by Eric for a reliable guide to these changes and much more.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM looks at the solar eclipse in Aquarius, which happens Thursday morning. This is the event that corresponds to the Great American Eclipse of last August; which, speaking historically, was probably the most shocking, stunning and influential eclipse of our lifetimes.

Long ago, not so far away — Eric during a broadcast of Radio Navigator on Radio Woodstock in 1997

The program originally aired live this past Sunday night on my new Planet Waves AM/FM show on Radio Kingston. You’re invited to check out the Radio Kingston website. The station is currently being revamped as a noncommercial community radio project, and there’s all kinds of interesting stuff broadcast.

Please take note of how cool it is that someone has figured out how to establish and finance a commercial-free community station. This is 2018; everything is supposed to be sponsored by liquor, drugs or luxury cars.

Also, I’ve been avoiding the news lately, but not anymore. In this program I cover what I know about the mini-shakeup at the Department of Justice over the weekend, and the wife-beating scandal that’s currently tormenting the White House. All observers are wondering the same thing: Will Trump try to get rid of Robert Mueller III, the special prosecutor who is investigating his seemingly extensive criminal behavior?

I also pay tribute to John Perry Barlow, who once described himself as the Grateful Dead’s “lesser lyricist.” (He was just nodding to the literary prowess of the band’s other lyricist, Robert Hunter.) All of tonight’s music will be Grateful Dead songs co-written by Barlow, including a magnificent reggae version of “Estimated Prophet.” Barlow died last week at age 70.

This was the fourth live edition of Planet Waves AM/FM. That’s crazy! I am now working the studio solo, though with a little help setting up from station manager Jimmy Buff.

When The Art of Becoming is finished, I’m looking forward to doing some new editions of Planet Waves FM, old style. Hey, speaking of — please visit our most beautiful website ever.

It’s good to be with you.


Planet Waves

Reviews Coming in for The Art of Becoming

Tap or click to visit our most beautiful website ever.


Thank you, Eric, this reading is exquisite in its most absolute form. My sense of where my life is heading is reflected back to me in this annual with such elegant cohesion; your writing simultaneously feels to be a healing balm and a road map to a territory unknown except for the consistency of its beckoning.”

— JeanMarie Murphy, on the Art of Becoming annual reading for Gemini

Dear Friend and Reader:

With the first four signs of the Art of Becoming annual readings now published, reader reviews are pouring in. It’s not too late to purchase individual signs or all 12 signs of this “healing balm and road map” as JeanMarie put it, above.

Here’s what more of our customers are saying about it:

I will put this in a very safe place, and reread it over the coming days, weeks, months. This has been an extremely tough beginning of the year — it seems that I’m no longer being allowed to play out my life without really addressing what/who runs it from the shadows. You write about all this so brilliantly. Thank you for this stunning reading, dear Eric, for your extraordinary insights, wisdom and guidance.”

— Liz, on the Art of Becoming annual readings

As always, the reading comes at exactly the right moment. The divine timing serves to remind me of how connected I am: my ‘work’ is a joyous extension of who I am; my deeply held spiritual beliefs are part of my every day life; I am strong and trusted. I am grateful for the reminder of the connection between my microcosm and the larger macrocosm that reading your materials always provides. I am affirmed: I am in the right place; I am consciously healing and growing; I am making good choices and becoming who I seek to become. And this is the art of becoming. Blessings, Eric.”

— Jennifer, on the Art of Becoming annual readings

Dearest Eric, I just wanted to acknowledge how beautifully insightful your work always is and how moved I was reading your essays. Thank you so much for continuing to be such a guiding light along the way. Much love and appreciation.”

— Maureen, on the Art of Becoming annual readings

The leadership aspect of what you offered really assists me to understand what my being is up to in the world of work. True, it is rarely discussed in astrology in this way for Cancer. It is not always an easy road, but it is certainly not dull. This year I have shifted direction and am discerning what parts need to come with, and what needs to be left as no longer required. This is across relationships, views, methods and tribes. Your articulated integration of the various dimensions influenced through the realms is a gift and valuable resource in curating the conditions required. Received with gratitude.”

— Rebekah, on the Art of Becoming annual reading for Cancer

I am deeply appreciative of your integrity and the depth from where your being resides. Many blessings on your path.”

— Desiree, on the Art of Becoming annual readings

Whether you choose just one or two signs of your annual reading or order the full set of all 12 signs, I look forward to hearing your response to the Art of Becoming.

Remember, Planet Waves has always strived to ensure our content is accessible to everyone. If you need to discuss your options, please email us at

You can also call with any questions toll-free from within the U.S. at (877) 453-8265, or from outside the U.S. at (206) 567-4455. If you leave voicemail, please be sure to leave your number in the message, and we’ll call you back as soon as we can.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves

Aquarius Solar Eclipse Reading from Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’ve just finished the Aquarius audio reading. It’s now available for instant access.

This is a separate project from the annual edition, different in every way. This is a 75-minute astrology reading in two sessions, based on Thursday’s solar eclipse in your sign — the last solar eclipse in Aquarius until Feb. 17, 2026.

Planet Waves
Chart for Thursday’s solar eclipse. The monograph behind it is by the German philosopher Dieter Duhm.

This chart has a lot to say about relationships, self-esteem, family and ancestral matters. I do my best to help you orient inwardly to experience these dimensions of growth and healing not only as real, but as accessible, workable places to focus your energy and time.

Your reading is still available at 33% off, for $44. After the eclipse the price will go up to $66, where we will leave it.

My audio readings are some of the most unusual astrology you’ll encounter. I believe they go deeper than the work that most professional astrologers do, reaching the spiritual essence of the chart’s message, though without the need for a natal chart. This reading will stand up to many playings.

Doing this work takes experience and preparation; if sold as “self help” these readings would be going for many times the price. My intention is to keep them accessible and affordable.

I’ve prepared a sample of the reading lasting about six minutes, which you can play as an mp3, or download as a zip file. The music is an original piece by Vision Quest, the Planet Waves in-house ensemble.

My method of reading opens up so many dimensions that I could devote hours to each chart. Yet this reading distills certain vital messages, catching you up on the past few months of Saturn in Capricorn, and previewing the transits of Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus.

I’ll be following up with a tarot reading in a month or two, a feature that’s included with your reading, though is about to be split off as a separate product. That’s not delivered on a schedule — it’s ready when it’s ready.

Your reading also includes access to last year’s audio reading (so that you can review it) as well as The Book of Your Life 2017 written reading.

Thank you for being a Planet Waves customer, and for trusting me as your astrologer.

With love,

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