The new Planet Waves FM features an interview with Dr Peter Breggin, advocate for psychiatry reform and now, investigator into Covid. Plus! Mask whistleblowers.

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Dr Peter Breggin is known to many as the voice for psychiatry reform. He is now an investigator into Covid-19 crisis. Dr. Breggin has led campaigns against the use of psychiatric drugs in children, lobotomies and electroshock “therapy.” Now at age 83, he is a leading investigator into Covid-19. He is my guest on the new Planet Waves FM.
Here is his website, which includes many excellent Covid resources, some of them referenced in the interview.
I will be playing part of this video from The High Wire — the whole thing is essential viewing.
More from Del Bigtree on the connection between the flu shot and dying from Covid. Or said another way, is Covid actually the result of the flu shot?
Here is the Hierarchy of Controls per CDC.
Here is my discussion with a reader about why SARS-CoV-2, if it exists, is not a novel virus.