The Nuclear Deception
Go to Part Two of this interview
In tonight’s special edition of Planet Waves FM, I interview Prof. Karl Grossman, one of the few journalists who has devoted his career to exposing the dangers, and the deceptions, of nuclear power and atomic weapons.

His Wikipedia entry includes a succinct introduction to his contribution: “Karl Grossman is a full professor of journalism at the State University of New York College at Old Westbury. For more than 45 years he has pioneered the combination of investigative reporting and environmental journalism in a variety of media. He is the host of the nationally aired television program ‘Enviro Close-Up’, the narrator and host of award-winning TV documentaries on environmental and energy issues, the author of six books and writer of numerous magazine, newspaper and Internet articles.”
Here is his most recent article from Common Dreams, about a plan to create nuclear powered drone aircraft.
Tonight’s edition includes the first half of the interview, most of which covers the history of nuclear power in the United States. It is a rare to find, succinct summary of that topic, as told by one of its best informed historians. I will post the second half next week.
If you participate in the anti-nuclear movement, please post this link onto your discussion groups and Facebook forums. Here is the short link, for your convenience to cut and past:
This edition is about one hour and five minutes. Here is your program in the old player, where you’ll find the full archives and a downloadable zip file.
Thanks for tuning in.
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