The precautionary principle, informed consent and deep background on the Food and Drug Administration. Tantra Studio and the novels of Bob Dylan

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Tonight’s program covers scientific ethics from several angles. I will look at the issue of the precautionary principle. What do you do when working with limited information? Who gets the benefit of the doubt? I will discuss the idea of informed consent.

I have coverage of this week’s FDA approval of a Covid “vaccine” that we understand is not actually available in the United States. Was this even legal?
I have an interview with Peter von Stackelberg, an investigative reporter who worked for a small daily newspaper in Saskatchewan in the 1970s when he discovered a vast regulatory failure involving pesticides, the FDA and the EPA. This became known as the IBT Labs scandal. You can listen to that in advance using the embedded player on this page.
On Tantra Studio (available separately), I consider the question of whether all men want is sex. Or do they want something more from relationships? That is also available early.
When you tune into the commercial media, you are barely even getting one side of the story. Our policy is to present all sides of many issues, in the form of my weekly broadcast and many daily updates to Covid19 News.
We do not accept ads, corporate sponsorship or government funding. Our relationship and our accountability is directly to you. Our monthly budget is a mere $3,000 to cover the costs of all of this news: about three seconds of primetime advertising on Comedy Central — for a month of our work.
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Source Material for Tonight’s Program
Testimony of Dr Christine Parks before Michigan House of Representatives
Facts concealed about Pfizer vaccine approval from CHD
UK data destroys rationale for forced injection
Source video — Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby
Why so many Americans refuse to get injected

Special Feature: Interview with Peter von Stackelberg
Listen to the full interview with investigative reporter Peter von Stackelberg, who broke the IBT Labs story when he was covering commodities for the Regina Leader-Post in Saskatchewan. Here is an article about Peter from by his former newspaper.
Chiron, Key to the Gemstone File by Eric Francis, 2017, describing the Howard Johnson’s meeting
My 1994 article in Sierra with an angle on IBT Labs that was not documented anywhere else — the coverup of 100% of mice getting cancer from PCBs — which I read in tonight’s edition.
Keith Schneider’s articles on IBT Labs from Amicus Journal. Here is part one. Here is part two. Schneider, in his next act, joined the CDC spin machine as a New York Times writer claiming dioxin is good for you. Here is coverage of that by Vicky Monks, in one article called See No Evil and another called Whatever Happened to Dioxin?
Oops — Pfizer randomized trial data reveal that their injection is more likely to kill you than save you | added August 26
The vaccines are more likely to kill you than save you. The clinical trial (gold-standard medical research) evidence to date shows the vaccine kills more people than it saves (including Pfizer’s own 6 month randomized study which demonstrated a 7% higher overall death rate for those administered the vaccine. The vaccine reduced COVID deaths by 50%, however this came at the cost of increasing deaths from cardiac arrest and other causes, so that the net benefit is negative, i.e., the vaccine is more likely to kill you than save you. For example, Pfizer’s own study showed deaths from COVID were reduced by a factor of 2, but this saving was more than offset by deaths from cardiac arrest which went up by 4X. This is not a good tradeoff. The safety data in VAERS compared with the CDC data on mortality for different age cohorts also confirms that the vaccines are more likely to harm than help.
Scanning & transmission electron microscopy reveals graphene oxide in CoV-19 injections | added August 26
Read more from Dr. Robert Young. Read more by Eric on graphene oxide.
This current research study via direct analysis on the aforementioned so-called “vaccines” by means of nano particulate technological instrumentation reveals disturbing and life-altering information concerning the truth about the actual toxic acidic contents of the so-called vaccines.
The Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen drugs are NOT “vaccines” but complexed Graphene Oxide nano particulate aggregates of varying nano elements attached to genetically modified nucleic acids of mRNA from animal or vero cells and aborted human fetal cells as viewed and described above. Once again the ingredients in these so-called vaccines are highly magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic to plant, insect, bird, animal and human cell membranes and their genetics which already has lead to serious injuries (estimated at over 500 million) and/or eventual death (estimated at over 35 million).[17][18] through [54]
The so-called “experts” or “medical savants” are telling YOU that CoV -2 – 19 vaccines are the ONLY way to stop the spread of CoV-19… even when there is NO EVIDENCE of its existence and NO EVIDENCE of it spreading as determined by the scientific method of Koch or Rivers postulates