Toward An American Revolution
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Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, you’ll have access to a helpful, excellent video astrology reading: In the Shadow of the Moon. Pre-order Eric’s 2017 Midyear Reading here for the earliest price of just $66 for all 12 signs.
Hey Cancer — Eric has recorded the astrology segments of your birthday reading, and it’s packed with exciting information on what the recent powerful Full Moon means for you. Here is an audio sample. Have a listen, and then order your reading here.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Last month, your donations paid for Planet Waves FM. We are a nonprofit community radio station serving the greater metropolitan internet. You may support our efforts here. All donations are fully tax-deductible. Thank you for your generosity.
And…madness is unfolding by the hour with the Trump campaign/administration’s ties to Russia coming out into the open. We now know that campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Donald Trump Jr., and the kid whose name I forgot — Jared Kushner — all met with a representative of the Kremlin to talk about dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Yet watching this slow-motion train wreck does not help us heal the world. The chaos that’s leading to it is coming from somewhere, or something, and in tonight’s edition, I try to get at just what that something is. I advocate for local civic involvement, and learning how to stand up to authority on the most rudimentary level, starting with one’s parents.
I go over the astrology leading up to the Aug. 21, 2017, total solar eclipse, including looking at the July 23 New Moon in Leo.
Along the way, I mention the prank Andrew McLuhan has been experimenting with — making up fake quotes by his grandfather, media theory pioneer Marshall McLuhan — and seeing who notices. He’s established a Twitter feed and is looking for playmates. The essence of the joke is that all of the fake quotes come from page 158 of a 1962 book called The Gutenberg Galaxy.
The quotes are sheer poetry, and mock Marshall McLuhan in a way that only his grandson possibly could, to wit: “The computer will eventually replace the commuter,” or, “The next major medium, whatever it is, will bring people closer together and farther apart than ever before,” or, “With electric media, truth plays second fiddle to fantasy, reality is augmented, and yesterday is tomorrow’s today.”
In the third segment, I talk about a project that Chiron Return, Inc. (publisher of Planet Waves FM) is involved with: scanning and publishing 153,000 pages of documents from the files of Monsanto, GE, Westinghouse, Dow Chemical, IBT Labs and many other sources.
And in the last segment, Tantra Corner is devoted to this article from The Onion.
Remember — last month, your donations paid for Planet Waves FM. We are a nonprofit community radio station serving the greater metropolitan internet. You may support our efforts here. All donations are fully tax-deductible. Thank you for your generosity.
With love,