What If This Whole Trump Thing is a Joke?
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Want to unlock the most important secrets of an astrology chart? Eric’s best astrology mentors told him: “It’s all in the houses.” Eric’s all-new class on Saturday, Oct. 8 will illuminate the most grounded part of the zodiac. You may sign up here.
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Dear Friend and Reader:
In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I begin by considering whether the the whole Donald Trump candidacy is a joke that won’t end. We learned a couple of months ago that it was Bill Clinton who reportedly put Donald Trump up to running, which may have seemed like a good idea at the time.
I mean, he’s bigoted and doesn’t like women; he’s ultra politically incorrect and can’t shut up. He’s the perfect candidate to beat.

So let’s pretend that Bill Clinton and his buddy James Carville really did put him up to this for a joke, and they’re working with a former writer for the Daily Show, the wickedly funny one who wrote all of Jon Stewart’s best lines the last five years he was on the air.
They give Trump all this bullshit to spew, and he does it, tweeting at 5 am and admitting he doesn’t pay taxes and all — but nothing can stop him. He’s the fire that won’t go out. He’s captured the public imagination.
In tonight’s show I also look closely at the Hillary Clinton birth data controversy. Here’s the Wall Street Journal article that I mention, and here’s the ISAR press release, and the " target="_blank" rel="noopener">video that ISAR put out Sunday evening featuring my friends: merry Ray Merriman and sunny Shelley Ackerman.
My musical guest is Thom Yorke, with selections from his solo work. You can order The Eraser [Amazon or iTunes], or Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes [Amazon or iTunes]. Thom’s chart is below.
Don’t forget my class, It’s All In the Houses, is planned for Saturday. Write to us for the special discount link.
Thanks for tuning in and thanks for your membership support. We can’t do this without our members! Thanks for being, or becoming, one of them.
With love,
PS — I’ll be live-blogging tonight’s vice presidential debate on my personal Facebook page, top post.