What Was Jimmy Carter? Updated with Part 2.

There is a second part to this program — you can hear it on Substack, where it’s presented with notes and charts. The Man who Sold the World.
About tonight’s program:
WHAT — not who — was Pres. Carter? He is being presented as a pious, saintly old gentleman who had a difficult presidency. However, this view conceals his involvement with the Rockefellers and the takeover of the U.S. presidency by the Trilateral Commission — a situation which has lasted well into the 21st century. Discussion, additional resources, a downloadable recording and alt player will also be on Substack. Substack’s player may be easier to navigate.
Alt Player (standard HTML5) | Download Zip
Here are audio and written previews for The Awakening.
The Trilateral Commission website
I think I forgot one thing. Anyway…here is Carter’s chart, which I do not read; perhaps another time. To do this segment, I checked Carter and his progressions; Adm. Rickover; the summer of ‘73 when the Trilateral Commission was formed; the Carter inauguration in ‘77; and a few others. But — I don’t mention the astrology.
The stunning thing about this chart is its description of a deceptive public image. That would be Node, Venus and Neptune in the 11th house in Leo. But this conceals a dark, cunning, violent and prideful nature: essentially, the exact opposite of what was presented to the public through the end of his life.