Anthony Fauci, chief of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks on a panel at the Milken Institute Oct. 29, 2019. The discussion was broadcast and archived by C-Span.
C-Span is my dad’s favorite cable channel. He’s a recently-retired communications professor. He will watch it for hours late at night, probably while I’m taking in South Park.
What he likes is that on C-Span, you see the thing itself and not someone’s interpretation of it. This includes proceedings of Congress and levels of government that never make news programs. When things do get onto the news, you’re told what you’re supposed to think happened.
Moderator Michael Specter, writer for The New Yorker and adjunct professor at Stanford.
On C-Span, one can witness discussion of policy and law as it takes place. Topics are elaborated in whole thoughts, not selections by TV producers that can easily bias or distort the issue. C-Span is the thing itself — and that is a thing of beauty (sponsored by a fund provided by the different cable companies).
Government and industry discuss their plans
Such broadcasts often include panel discussions with both public and private participants, where government agencies and corporations talk about their plans. There are quite a few of those, so it’s easy to miss something potentially interesting. Fortunately, there are excellent archives, available free to the public.
One evening last week, I found myself in a conversation with another journalist on the Olive Dam of the Ashokan Reservoir. She asked me what I was working on.
I said I was doing a radio piece about how Anthony Fauci had been involved in a panel discussion two years ago wherein he said the flu needed to be re-branded so it was scary like AIDS or cancer, so the flu shot could achieve greater market penetration. Currently, only 23% of Americans are said to take the flu shot and many go wasted. In places like the Congo, people laugh at the notion of a vaccine for the flu.
You don’t believe that crap, do you?
Specifically, the panel discusses the next-generation of mRNA technology vaccines, which are based on computer sequences that can be shared on the internet.
“You don’t believe that crap, do you? It could be made up by some guy tweeting from his mother’s basement.”
I gave her my best Mr. Spock raised eyebrow.
“It’s preserved on C-Span. You can watch it.”
Then she said she was interested. At minimum, the conspiracy theory known as video and the transcript would eliminate certain elements of rumor.
Casey wright CEO of Flu Lab, which has the goal of eradicating influenza. She is speaking at an Oct. 29, 2019 panel at the Milken Institute. The discussion was broadcast and archived by C-Span.
The ‘universal flu vaccine’
The stated purpose of the panel, held Oct. 29, 2019 at the Milken Institute (the name is not a coincidence — it’s the junk bond guy), was to discuss the implementation of a “universal flu vaccine” using mRNA technology. The panelists expressed concern with the poor market penetration of existing flu shots, and said it was time for something new. Sales of flu shots might improve if people were more concerned, considered the flu deadly, and thought the shot would work.
Fauci said that the flu is not scary enough. It needs to be thought of as more like AIDS or cancer.
Dr. Fauci breaks it down:
“For some people, they get the flu. The real flu, not, like, ‘I have a stomach flu’, but the real flu. They get better. So there’s sort of this perception, if it’s so serious, how come people get flu each year and it isn’t a catastrophe? When you’re dealing with a disease like HIV, if you get HIV, it’s serious…if you get cancer, that’s bad…whereas with influenza, for some people, they go through life and it doesn’t impact them at all. There isn’t anybody that’s afraid of influenza.
“If you go in a focus group and say, ‘Are you afraid of getting HIV if you’re at risk?’ ‘Oh, absolutely’. ‘Are you afraid of getting cancer?’ ‘Oh, absolutely’. Are you afraid of the flu? Don’t bother me’. I mean, that’s the reality of how people perceive flu.”
Meeting of senior marketing execs
Focus groups? They do focus groups for this stuff?
We must be at the meeting of senior marketing executives, who include officials from the Sabin Institute, a nonprofit called Flu Lab, a representative of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the agency which oversees the National Institutes of Health (where Fauci works).
HHS is also notable as home of various vaccine injury courts-of-claim. In the vax biz, one does not sue a manufacturer for damages; by law, one sues HHS as proxy.
The panel is presided over by someone convinced he is a journalist, because he writes for The New Yorker: Michael Specter. He is also an adjunct professor at Stanford University, who says things like: “In the long run, over time, amortized, if the 2009 pandemic had been much more deadly, would that have ended up being a better thing for humanity?”
Rick Bright of the Department of Health and Human Services is calling for the best carrot cake ever — just like the last one.
Participants consider themselves “flu ambassadors,” with a responsibility for improving “nomenclature” (call flu something else), who in their own words must guard the public relations image of what they do.
The Best Carrot Cake Ever
In one telling exchange, this new flu vaccine is compared to coming up with the best carrot cake ever. “We seek a transformative product,” says Casey Wright of Flu Lab. “We need to set an ambition for the ultimate vaccine.”
The moderator, Michael Specter, adds that he knows lots of people with lots of money. “It seems to me when I furrow around in this field, philanthropists, they want to make a splash. And they don’t want to make a splash on something that everyone thinks is boring.”
Oh, so now we know for sure.
Rick Bright of the Department of Health and Human Services said he was looking for “Critical insight in how you disrupt and deconstruct an age old problem.”
They keep using this word disrupt, and stronger language than that: “blow the thing up,” for example.
Which age old problem is that? The image of flu shots is getting old. It’s not sexy. (To whom was it ever? Am I missing something or do I just have other taste in porn?)
“We’ve had these vaccines for 70 years. So this is an age-old construct that requires those creative chefs to come out of the kitchen, deconstruct the carrot cake and make it look like something different, but the best carrot cake you’ve ever eaten in your entire life. We need that for an influenza vaccine.”
Full panel on Oct. 29, 2019, planning a rebranding of the flu vaccine as something sexier. Participants from left to right are Michael Specter, staff writer for The New Yorker magazine, the moderator; Rick Bright from the Department of Health and Human Services, Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health, Bruce Gellin from the Sabin Institute; Margaret Hamburg MD from the National Academy of Medicine (part of the National Academy of Sciences), and Casey Wright, CEO of Flu Lab. The discussion is archived on C-Span.
‘We’re being terrible PR people’
Try this, said by Casey Wright, CEO of Flu Lab: “I think we’re being terrible PR people. Because we’re flu ambassadors, and we’re saying flu is not sexy.” (A chuckle arises from the audience.) “It’s very sexy.” More laughter. What is so tantalizing about it? She says that 650,000 people die of flu every year, or so she claims. And that is a marketing opportunity for a company whose mission is to “defeat the flu” by the use of vaccines.
If you think it’s deceptive to represent the flu as something as bad as cancer or AIDS, you are paying attention. Remember, this is planned as a message in some form of public relations or advertising in order to roll out a new generation of shots made with mRNA. That, of course, became the purview of the “covid vaccination,” about which we are hearing so much today.
It was well known to the people on that panel at the Milken Institute. They all understand you could email the computer code for a vaccine, which is exactly what was done with the cyber virus files released by China and used to create the “Covid test.” One of those is the infamous MN980947, published by China on January 5, 2020, and cited in the specs of both the WHO and CDC assays that claim to “test for covid” (that is, the PCR assay for the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus).
Emailed around, like a song off of iTunes (to use a metaphor proposed by Mike Specter of The New Yorker, so it could really reach the whole world in a matter of minutes). This is the future! We are SpongeBob SquarePants at the bottom of the digital ocean, but not as friendly.
All of these technologies and their perception of the to need use them are discussed openly (including China as the origin of a claimed virus), and just 33 days later, that very thing unfolds and in a matter of three months the whole concept of an mRNA vaccine for a rebranded flu-like disease is rolled out to the test market known as the world. Presto Changeo.
[…] on the top player. Co-produced by Melissa DeGasperis. Additional research by Cindy Tice Ragusa. | RELATED STORY HERE | Read the Planet Waves FM Covid chronology focusing on 2019 — tonight’s story fits the […]
[…] on the top player. Co-produced by Melissa DeGasperis. Additional research by Cindy Tice Ragusa. | RELATED STORY HERE | Read the Planet Waves FM Covid chronology focusing on 2019 — tonight’s story fits the […]